Two - I Recognise You

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A couple of months had passed, and Brian still played on your mind. Every night you'd have a new dream about him, and it was driving you insane. You had been thinking about ways to see him again. Maybe you could ask Jim when he usually comes into the store, but then again, Jim was a one to tease you about a crush.

You laid back in bed one morning, after having just woken up from yet another dream about the man. You stared mindlessly at the ceiling, as your body sprawled across the bed. Even though you had been sleeping for God only knows how long, you still felt tired. You sat up, stretching out, as a yawn overwhelmed your body. Thankfully, it was a Saturday, meaning that you didn't have work to worry about for another couple of days. You stood from the bed, grabbing a clean towel from the dresser, before making your way into the bathroom. You stripped yourself down, letting the water of the shower warm for a short while. Grabbing the toothbrush, you began to brush your teeth, as you watched the steam begin to rise around the room. After your teeth had been brushed, and the shower was nicely warmed, you stepped in, letting the droplets run through your hair and down your back. There was something about the heat, and the sensation of a shower that instantly made you more relaxed, which was often what you needed, what with your job and all.

As you stepped out from an hour-long shower, you wrapped the towel around your body, before making your way back into the bedroom. Your clothes had already been laid out the night before, as you began to get yourself dressed. You pulled on some skinny ripped jeans, with a white tank top, accommodated by a red and black plaid shirt, before styling your hair for the day. It was just about time for your morning coffee, so you made your way into the kitchen, searching through the cupboards for the coffee beans.

"Damnit." You muttered under your breath, as you realised that they had all run out. "Guess it's a trip to the coffee shop." You slipped on your pair of white converse, grabbing your bag and keys, before making your way out of the door to your apartment. You stepped into the elevator, as it made its way to the ground floor. As the door opened, you stepped out, and began your leisurely stroll to the nearest coffee shop. Within five minutes, you were already at the door. You pushed it open, making your way to the back of the queue. There were only a few people in front, but it allowed you enough time to decide what it was that you actually wanted. You were casually searching through the menu, when you heard the muttering of two men come from a table behind you.

"Dude, go talk to her!" One man muttered, as you heard the other man sigh.

"I can't, she's too pretty. I could never get a girl like that." He replied. You were about to blank out the conversation, until you recognised the second man's voice, it was Brian. You knew that you couldn't just turn around to face him, so you casually turned to peer out of the window. You were able to catch a glimpse of him, and there he was, looking as good as ever. "Holy shit, it's the girl I met at the comic book store."

"Now you have a reason to talk to her man. Come on, grow a pair." His friend spoke. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the other man push and shove Brian, forcing him out of his seat, until he reluctantly stood up, making his way over to you. You quickly turned back to the front, pretending that you weren't aware of his presence. There was a tap on your shoulder, as you slowly spun around, once again being met by those big brown eyes that drew you in.

"H-Hi...[Y/N], right?" He chuckled nervously, rubbing his hand against the back of his neck. You offered him a sweet smile, assuring him that everything was okay.

"Hey, Brian." You smiled. His eyes became full of life, as you said his name. He must have felt honoured that you remembered who he was, let alone remembering his name. "Fancy seeing you here." You giggled, as you tried to play it cool. It's not that you had been dreaming of him ever since that night in the comic book store or anything. Your eyes searched his face, once again taking in all of his beauty. His hair was swept over to the side, but today, he had decided to go clean shaven.

"What are you getting then?" He asked, as he took his place next to you in line. You took one last read of the menu, before deciding on what you wanted. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see his friend give him the thumbs up, as Brian shooed him away.

"I guess I'll have the [F/Coffee]." You announced, as Brian tried to find it on the menu. The person in front had just left the counter, meaning that it was your turn. You walked up to the counter, ordering your drink, as Brian leant onto the surface. He smiled at you, not really knowing what to say, until your drink arrived. You were just about to hand the money over to the barista, before Brian held his hand out, stopping you from doing so.

"Let me get this." He offered, causing you to giggle. You thanked him, but declined him on his offer.

"Please, I can get this myself. I appreciate the offer." You smiled, but Brian wouldn't take that as an answer. He continued to pester you for him to pay, until finally you reluctantly agreed to it, but only to shut him up. You rolled your eyes, as he handed over the money, looking rather pleased with himself.

"That's to apologise for whacking you with a door." He chuckled. You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks, the embarrassment coming flooding back to you. You grabbed your coffee, and began to walk to a table, until Brian once again stopped you. "You can sit with me and my friend if you want to, if you fancy some company?"

You felt bad about declining his earlier offer, and so you agreed. He led you throughout the shop, until he reached a table, where the other man was sat scrolling through his phone. He looked up, doing a double-take, before standing up and introducing himself.

"Hi, I'm Sal. It's nice to meet you. I apologise for this shithead knocking you out with a door." He joked, causing you to laugh. Brian pulled out a chair for you, letting you sit, before pushing you in towards the table. The pair of them both sat down, as you looked between them. Your hands tapped on the table, creating a small drumbeat, as your mind pondered on what to talk about.

"So, how did you guys meet?" You asked, taking a sip from your drink. Brian and Sal looked at each other, before bursting into laughter. It confused you slightly, until they eventually told you the story, all the way back to their religious class in high school. The three of you continued to converse, until you realised how long you had been talking. Brian looked at his watch, his eyes bulging, as he slapped his hand against Sal's arm.

"Dude, we have to be at Joe's in half an hour, we better get going." He announced, as he grabbed all of the trash and chucked it into the bin. He stood from the table, as you followed suit. The pair of you looked at each other awkwardly, before Brian decided on how to bid you goodbye. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a comforting embrace, his strong arms holding you tightly. There was a sense of tension, as though he regretted making the move. You curled your arms around him, and instantly he relaxed. As he pulled away, he smiled sheepishly, his cheeks a crimson red. "Can I get your number? I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at Comic Sans some time..." He trailed off.

"Sure." You smiled, as he handed you his phone. You tapped in your name and number, before passing the device back to him. Sal then stood up, pulling you into a hug, making you unaware of the faces he was pulling at Brian, teasing him about his flirting skills. They walked out of the shop, before you too began to make your way home. As you were walking, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You fished it out, seeing that it was a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey [Y/N], it was nice seeing you again today. I really hope your nose is okay after our first encounter :)

As you were typing out a reply, another text shot through.

Unknown: By the way this is Brian :P

You giggled at how dorky he was, as you added him to your contacts. Today had been a great day, finally, after waiting for so long, you saw him again. The best part was that he had been waiting to see you again too, and you even earned his number out of it. That night you went to bed giddy from how happy you felt. Things were going right for a change.

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