Twenty - I Have A Son

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Nine months later, you were coming up to your due date. Brian had kept his promise to you, he had remained by your side, everyday becoming more accepting about being a father. He was now excited to see his soon to be son in his arms. The spare bedroom had been transformed into a nursery, which had a woodland creature theme to it. Brian had set up all of the furniture, becoming quite the handyman. He had built the crib with Sal, and Joe and Murr had come round to help put up some artwork onto the walls. Brian had even used his 'builder's' outfit for some foreplay to try and get some action, before it became too much of a struggle for you.

The night before your due date, you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen. You sat up in bed, nudging Brian awake. He placed a hand to your baby bump, watching your every move. Another sharp pain came along ten minutes later, and he made the decision himself to get you to the hospital. He leapt out of bed, slinging on the first clothes he could find, before grabbing the hospital bag you had packed a week ago. He held your hand, as he walked you down the stairs and out to his Jeep. He was being surprisingly calm, trying to limit the amount of panic you were going through. His hand remained clasped around yours, as he sped down the roads, until finally pulling into the parking lot of the hospital. He retrieved the bag from the back, as he walked with you hand-in-hand through the entrance.

"It's okay, Baby. Everything will be okay, I promise." He spoke calmly. He placed the bag to the floor, helping you sit in one of the waiting room chairs, before making his way over to the reception desk. "My wife, she's gone into labour."

"Okay, Sir. I'll call the doctor down, and find you a room." The receptionist responded, as she speedily tapped details into the computer. She looked up, handing Brian a piece of paper with a number scribbled on it. "This is your room, the doctor will meet you there. You want to take the elevator to the second floor, and it's just on the right." She smiled.

Brian nodded his head, snatching the piece of paper from her clasp, as he ran back to you. He assisted you about, as the contractions kept on coming every few minutes. You eventually made it up to your assigned room, just as the doctor came in to join you.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Rick Sanchez, how are we doing today?" He asked, as you got yourself comfortable on the bed.

"Good, well except for these contractions." You chuckled, clutching at your stomach. Doctor Sanchez strolled over to the side of the bed, as he did a quick check over. He checked your dilation, measuring how far along you were.

"Well, you're making good progress. You're dilated at 5cm, so we're halfway there. I'll be back in an hour to check on you. Don't hesitate to call me using that cord there." He smiled, before exiting the room.

Brian smiled at you, as he moved over to the bed, taking a seat beside you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, comforting you, as he placed a kiss to your temple. The two of you sat there, just playing the waiting game for your son to enter this world. Another contraction came about, as Brian rubbed your back in a circular motion.

"You're doing so well, Baby Girl. He's almost here, not much longer." His voice soothing and caring. He was being the complete opposite of the man he was nine months prior, when he found out that you were pregnant. Brian tried to make you laugh, telling you a few of his jokes, to waste the time away.

A couple of hours later, Doctor Sanchez returned into the room. He laid you back against the bed, as he checked your dilation. He removed his glove, a smile on his face. He looked at the pair of you, nodding his head.

"It's time. We're going to take you to the delivery room now, Mrs. Quinn. If you follow me, Mr. Quinn, I'll show you where to put on your scrubs. We'll meet you in there." Brian followed the doctor out of the room, as nurses came in, wheeling you through the corridors into the delivery room. They prepped you, setting your legs up into the stirrups, as Brian and Doctor Sanchez entered the room. Brian stood to your side, his hand grasping tightly around yours, as he kissed your forehead.

Brian x Reader | Brian QuinnHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin