Seventeen - Vows

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You lowered the veil onto your head, covering up your face, as you turned to face your bridesmaids and maid of honour. Tears filled their eyes, as they looked your dress up and down. The dress was crystal white, with a sweetheart neckline. It flowed down to the floor, fitting to your body perfectly. The day had finally arrived, you couldn't wait to finally marry the man of your dreams, and become Mrs. [Y/N] Quinn. You fumbled with your dress and hair, making sure that you looked absolutely stunning for the ceremony, with the help of your bridesmaids. The photographer took a few candid shots, before asking you and the girls to pose for a photo. You peered over to the clock on the wall, realising that it was time for you to exit your family's home, and make your way to the car.

You sauntered down the stairs, blowing your family away at the sight that laid before them. Your maid of honour picked up the lower section of your dress, as you made your way out to the car, the driver ready and waiting. Your father joined you in the back seat, teary-eyed at the fact that his baby girl was all grown up and getting married.

"I'm so proud of you, [Y/N]." He smiled, clutching tightly at your hand.

"Thanks, Dad." You replied, as you squeezed his hand.

The car pulled up outside of the reception hall. You could see the flowers decorating the outside, as the driver opened up the door for you. Your father had exited the vehicle, coming round to your side of the car, and escorted you into the building.


Brian was combing his hair over one last time, as his best men; Joe, Murray, and Sal, all made their way into his room. He turned to face them, their mouths dropping open in shock.

"Damn dude, you scrub up well." Joe joked, as he patted Brian on his shoulder. Brian thanked him, as a sweet chuckle escaped his lips. Murray and Sal shook him by the hand, offering their support, as they took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"You ready for this, Bud?" Murr asked. Brian nodded his head, a slight look of fear on his face.

"More than I'll ever be. I love her, and I'm not going to let nerves take her away from me." He answered, choking up at the thought of losing you.

"Just remember that she's probably just as nervous. You two are meant for one another, I can just tell by the look in your eyes when you look at each other. It's the look of love, Bri." Sal smiled.

Brian looked himself up and down, making sure that he looked the part for the big day. He was dressed in a dark grey suit, with a white shirt and purple waistcoat. He had a small daisy pinned to his suit, and wore jet black dress shoes. A matching purple bowtie was tied around his neck and tucked underneath his collar. Brian had neatly trimmed his beard the night before, with his hair combed over to one side.

The foursome made their way out of his home, all looking rather dapper, as Sal drove them to the venue. He parked up outside, making sure that Brian was there in plenty of time. The minister greeted Brian with a handshake, before walking him through to the ceremony set up. The decorations hung from the ceiling, as the chairs filled the room, creating an aisle down the middle. Brian looked across towards the double doors at the end, smiling at just the thought of seeing you walk through them in a mere hour's time.


Your father wrapped his arm around yours, as you waited for your time to shine. You watched, as Joe walked through the doors with the first bridesmaid down the aisle. Then it was Murray's turn to walk the second bridesmaid down the aisle. He curled his arm around hers, placing a kiss to her cheek. You had a feeling that he'd try and win over her heart across the day. Finally, it was Sal's turn. He pulled you into a hug, before escorting your maid of honour down the aisle. As the door opened, Sal turned back to wink at you, before starting on his journey. The guys were all dressed matching one another, whilst the girls wore a purple dress each, to match with the waistcoats.

"Ready?" Your father asked, as he walked you up to the double doors. You nodded your head, a smile sprawled across your face, hiding your nerves. With that, the double doors opened. The audience stood there turning back to face you, as Brian stood at the end, not wanting to ruin the reveal. The music began, as you took your first step down the aisle. This was it, no turning back now. As you approached the front, you father placed a kiss to your cheek, before making his way to Brian's side, he shook him by the hand, whispering into his ear. "Welcome to the family, son."

You stepped to Brian's side, as he turned to face you. His hand shot up to his mouth, as tears filled his eyes. He thought you always looked beautiful, but at this moment in time, you completely blew him away. He raised the veil from your face, brushing it back over the top of your head. The ceremony began, as everyone took their seats, watching as you and Brian held hands.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join in on the celebration of the love that Brian and [Y/N] share." The minister began. Brian slyly turned to look at you, winking his eye, before turning back towards the minister.

The ceremony continued on, as the minister spoke about some of the stories, and how the two of you had met. He spoke about the story of the door, and how Brian had proposed to you, making him blush timidly. The minister moved swiftly on to the vows, letting Brian speak first.

"[Y/N], from the moment I laid eyes upon you, I knew you were the one for me. You make me smile, even when I've had the worst of days. You are my rock, my world, and I worship the ground that you walk on. You are the light of my life, and I couldn't ask for a better girl to marry. I love you so much, Sweetheart." He read aloud. You sniffled, a smile plastered onto your face. Brian wasn't a one to pour his heart out to you, so hearing his words allowed you to see the hidden romantic side to him that didn't appear very often. It was then your turn to make him bawl like a baby.

"Brian, you always know the right words to say, you always like to leave your mark, the small scar on my head from the door for example." You started, gaining a laugh from the guests. "I love you with all of my heart, you're always there to protect me and I know that you'll be by my side through anything. I can't thank you enough for the life you have provided me with and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together as one. I love you, Brian."

Brian's hand squeezed yours gently, as a single tear ran down his cheek. You could tell by his expression that he was refraining himself from crying, but deep down inside he was sobbing his heart out. The minister asked for the rings, as they were passed to you both. Brian took your hand in his, as he slowly slipped the ring onto your finger. You then proceeded to hold his hand, sliding the golden band onto his ring finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The minister announced, as Brian cupped his hands around your face. He looked you in the eye, smiling proudly, before leaning in and kissing you softly. The audience applauded, as he took you by the hand and walked you down the aisle.

The evening turned into a wild party, all of the guests were getting off of their faces, as you partied the night away. You spent the whole evening with the guys, as they danced on the floor. Murray had his eye on the bridesmaid from earlier, as he sauntered up to her, wrapping his arms around her body. They became pretty close, it was nice to see them with one another. Brian kept his arm around you the whole night, not ever wanting to let you go. Sal was dancing his heart out, as he soon became pretty acquainted with your maid of honour. You watched, as they soon snuck out of the room, no clues as to what they were off doing.

"I'm going to give you the best sex of your life tonight, Wifey." Brian whispered into your ear, before nibbling at your earlobe. You blushed, as you pulled him into a kiss, which soon escalated.

"Woah, woah, that for the bedroom children are over there." Joe commented, nudging Brian teasingly.

As the partying came to an end, the guests either leaving or already staying in their accommodated rooms, Brian scooped you up in his arms bridal style, as he carried you to the wedding suite. He wasn't wrong, he really did give you the best sex of your life that night. He showed you how passionate and gentle, yet overly dominant and controlling he could be. You were both pretty sure that Sal and his woman of the night could hear the headboard bang against the wall from their room next door. Mind you, they were being pretty loud themselves. Two can play at that game.

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