Fourteen - Photoshoot

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You were in a peaceful slumber, when you were awoken by a clattering coming from the spare bedroom. Brian wasn't in your bed, so he must have been the culprit. You wrapped a robe around your shoulders for warmth, as you stepped out of bed and made your way down the hall. You popped your head through the crack in the door, peering into the room. Brian was busy putting together a white screen, with photography lighting surrounding it. He saw you out of the corner of his eye, and turned to face you.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" He asked with concern, as he clambered over the mess on the floor to get to you.

"A little...Babe, what are you doing?" You chuckled. Brian looked around the room, pointing towards the set he was building.

"Well, you said that I should take up on my photography hobby, so that's what I'm doing. I wanted to do a photoshoot...with you as the model." He shyly commented. You were a little taken aback by his words, you weren't a one to pose for your own photos, let alone someone else's, but you could see in his eyes how much he wanted to do this. You reluctantly nodded your head, as you curled your arms around his torso.

"Okay, I'll do it." You smiled, causing Brian to smile brightly in return. He turned around, handing you a pile of clothes.

"These are the outfits, make sure you go in the order from top to bottom...the last one is my favourite." He winked.

You made your way back into the bedroom to get changed into the first outfit. It was your typical everyday look; black skinny jeans that was accompanied by a plaid shirt. Brian always seemed to like that look, so of course he'd include it in the shoot. Once dressed, alongside making yourself look presentable, you made your way back into the spare room. Brian had everything set up, his camera was locked onto the tripod, with the lights placed in a specific spot. He took you by the hand, walking you to where he wanted you. He set a timer on the camera, before making his way back over to you. You became slightly panicked, as you heard the timer counting down, you weren't sure how he wanted you to pose, until his arms wrapped around you, dipping you down, as he kissed you passionately. The flash went off, before he pulled you back up onto your feet, slightly breathless.

"Sorry...I just wanted one of the both of us." He chuckled, his cheeks darkening into a crimson red colour. "Now for the real thing!"

He announced, as he made his way to behind the camera. He turned the timer setting off, as he fiddled with the lens, until he appeared to be ready. You started to pose in different ways, sure you felt slightly uncomfortable doing so, not wanting to embarrass yourself, but deep down you knew that Brian wouldn't care less how you posed. He'd just care that you were willing to do this for him. It's not like these photos were going anywhere, he just wanted to do this for his own enjoyment. His face was pressed against the camera, as he looked through the lens. He took multiple shots with every pose, before taking the camera off of the tripod and snapping the photos free hand. He finally stopped taking photos, as he scrolled through the images.

"[Y/N], you look so damn beautiful!" He exclaimed, causing you to giggle. "Next outfit?"

You nodded your head, as you made your way back into your bedroom, grabbing the next outfit. You looked at it, rolling your eyes. It was a typical Brian move. The attire consisted of a more sexual firefighter's uniform, of course it was. You quickly slipped into the costume, before making your way back into the room, gasping at the sight you walked in on. Brian stood there in his old fireman's uniform, with the helmet on and everything. He looked up, doing a double-take, as he stood up. He wolf-whistled, his eyes searching up and down your body.

"Why did I put myself through this torture?!" He whispered to himself, as he placed a kiss to your cheek.

On the set, Brian had taken the liberty of getting some props for the shoot. There was a fire extinguisher, axe, and a spare helmet. He guided you onto the set, instructing you on how to pose, before he grabbed the camera, swinging back into taking some photos. You did your best at posing, as you watched a bead of sweat begin to form on his forehead. He pulled away from the camera, wiping the back of his hand against his forehead, trying to get his eyes to focus.

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