Nineteen - B-Baby?

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A whole fifteen months of marriage had passed, and it had been the greatest time of your life. You and Brian were over the moon happy, with life going swimmingly. Brian was providing enough for you both that you were able to quit your job, in order to find a job that you'd be able to enjoy, which allowed you to see Brian more throughout the week. You were now working as a [career] and it was going great.

One Wednesday morning, you awoke to an empty bed. Brian had already left for work, leaving a small note for you on the bedside table. You sat up, stretching out, as you clambered out of bed. You retrieved the note, reading it through.


Sorry to just leave you, but work needed me in early. I miss you already, Babe. Let me know when you get this and enjoy your day off, Beautiful!

Brian x'

You smiled at his words, he was so endearing when he wanted to be. You picked up your phone, clicking on his name, as you typed out a message to him.

You: Got your note, Babe. I miss you too! Have a good day at work, win the challenge for me :P x

You placed your phone onto the bed, as a sudden wave of nausea took over. You sprinted into the bathroom, doubling over the toilet. You began to sweat, as the sickness took control. Once you felt that it had surpassed, you sat back against the wall, panting calmly. You thought that it was a stomach bug, until it hit you. You hadn't had your monthly visitor this month, you were so distracted being with Brian that it never even crossed your mind. Even Brian hadn't picked up on the fact that you hadn't been through your typical tired phase. He was usually pretty good at handling you when you were on; he'd always provide you with lots of cuddles and food, a lot of food. His favourite thing to do to help you relax was have you lay on your front, as he traced circles along your back. He hated seeing you in pain, if he could take it away in an instant, he would.

You retrieved a pregnancy test out of the bathroom drawer, it was there for emergencies, and if this wasn't an emergency, you didn't know what was. You quickly scanned over the instructions, before performing the test. You placed the plastic onto the counter, as you paced back and forth around the bathroom. As the time was up, you prepared yourself, you squinted your eyes, taking a step towards the counter. You held the test in your hands, as your eyes slipped open. Sure enough, the test showed that you were pregnant and had been for four to six weeks. Brian had never mentioned about starting a family, you weren't too sure how he would feel. He had even said that he wasn't a big fan of children. You feared how he'd react when you told him when he were to return home from work that evening.


The sound of the front door closing rang into your ears, as you remained sat on the sofa in the living room, watching TV. Brian sauntered in, a smile immediately sprawling across his face as he saw you. He took a seat beside you, sitting back against the sofa, as he pulled you into his chest. His hand ran up and down your back, as he placed a kiss to the back of your head.

"Hey, Babe. How was your day?" He greeted. You were desperate to reveal the news, but you also knew that this had to be done properly, to limit the amount that Brian would freak out.

"It was good thanks, how was your day?" Brian shrugged his shoulders, before resting his chin atop of your head.

"Eh, I came second in the balloon challenge...that's my game but somehow Joe beat me today." He responded. You sat up looking at him, as you placed a kiss to his cheek. He smiled, his eyes locking with yours. You knew that now was a better time than any to tell Brian about the news.

"Close your eyes, I'll be right back with a gift for you." You whispered, as you got out and walked out of the room. You soon returned with a box in your hand that had a bow tied around it. You took a seat on the coffee table opposite Brian.

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