Nine - Disagreements Happen

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You had been staying with Brian for over a week now, you still weren't fully unpacked, as you took your time, wanting to go through anything and everything that you can get rid of. You and Brian were busy unpacking the final boxes of your stuff into his house, when he came across the box packed full of your nerdy merchandise. He fished out a tiny Superman tee, holding it up against himself, as a slight chuckle escaped his lips.

"Bit small for me isn't it?" He joked, as you rolled your eyes at him, snatching the tee from his grasp. Brian silently chuckled to himself, thinking that he was beyond hilarious. You looked at the tee, realising that it was the very first comic merchandise you had gotten when you were nine years old. You had kept it, seeing as it was the beginning of your obsession. Brian crossed his eyebrows, as he buried his hand into the box, pulling out a Star Wars shirt, he held it up to you, knowing that it was way too big of a size to fit you. "And whose is this?"

"Oh..." You sighed, not wanting him to know. Brian raised an eyebrow, awaiting the answer that you had for him. "That's Brad's shirt..." Brian sighed deeply, as he threw the top back into the box and stormed out of the room. He hated hearing about any one of your exes, but the fact that one of their t-shirts still remained in your possession is what upset him the most. The slam of the bedroom door made you flinch, you didn't like it when Brian was upset, and the hurt you had witnessed in his eyes crumbled your heart. In all honesty, you didn't even realise that you still had it, you thought that you had chucked the tee out months ago.

You finished off the last box of clothes, allowing Brian the time to calm down, before you even considered confronting him about it all. You were just about to head down the stairs, when Brian stormed into the room, startling you.

"Bri, listen, I didn't even realise that-!" You started to explain, but Brian grabbed his controller, before slamming the door behind him, heading back downstairs. You sighed, knowing that this wasn't going to lead anywhere else but a full-blown argument. You built up the courage, before making your way out of the bedroom and downstairs, where you could hear the TV blasting out the Super Mario Bros. theme tune. Brian must have been taking his anger out on the Goombas rather than on you. You slowly pushed the door to the living room open, stepping in and standing next to Brian, who was sat on the sofa, his eyes glued to the screen. "Brian..."

You tried to gain his attention, but he was purposely ignoring you. You took a step in his line of vision, as he shifted his head to see around you. You repeated his name multiple times, before he huffed, pausing the game and looking you in the eye for the first time since his little strop. You could see the sadness in his eyes, and it completely shattered your heart to see him like that. You slowly took a seat beside him, going to place your hand on his thigh, before he shifted out of your reach. He really wasn't going to let this go. You opened your mouth to speak, before he interrupted you.

"Why did you keep it?" He asked, as he stared down to the floor, not able to look you in the eye.

"I didn't realise I even had it, Brian. That's what I was trying to tell you. It must have been mixed with some of my clothes and not retrieved since." You explained honestly, as you tried to get Brian to at least look at you. He scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Bullshit." He muttered under his breath, as he stood from the sofa, switching off the console. His tone of voice and unbelievably rude response is what made you snap. You jumped up from the sofa, pulling at his arm to make him face you.

"Excuse me?! You don't believe me? How pathetic can you be, Brian?" You shouted, stifling the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes. You didn't want him to see that you were crying, it would be a sign of weakness, and that's not how you wanted to appear. Brian chuckled out of anger, shaking his head at you.

"I'm pathetic? I'M PATHETIC?! I'm not the one who can't even get over their ex because they keep their shirts, I bet it still smells of that asshole too." He spat, yanking his arm out of your grasp. You took a step back, his words stung, they were unnecessarily spiteful.

"If you loved me, Brian, you wouldn't let this little thing get to you, and you certainly wouldn't purposely hurt me." You breathed heavily, feeling the tears fill your eyes, as your vision became blurry. Brian's face screwed up with anger, as he thought about his response. Either he could just move on, and end this argument now, or he could get the reaction out of you that he wanted. He looked away from you, taking a deep breath, before his eyes locked with yours.

"I guess I don't love you as much as I thought I did then." He calmly stated, before walking out of the room. That hurt. That made you feel as though you had been punched in the stomach multiple times. They say words can't hurt you, but damn, they sure as hell can. You slumped back onto the sofa, letting the tears finally fall free. You bawled your eyes out, your face in your hands, as your knees were brought up to your chest. You didn't think you'd ever stop crying, the man that you loved with all of your heart had just admitted to you that he didn't love you as much as he once did, all because of a shirt.

Brian had stormed upstairs, flopping himself onto the bed face first, punching one of the pillows, as he wept. The tears streamed down his face, he couldn't believe he had just said that to you. You were everything to him, and there he goes, pushing you away, when in reality, he just wanted you with him forever. He sat up, wiping away his tears, before noticing the comic book that started it all. He held the paper in his hands, his fingertips grazing over the illustrations, as his eyes soaked it all in. This simple comic book had allowed him to connect with you, back to the day he first met you. He was swiping through the pages, reaching the end, seeing a little doodle that you had drawn. It was a little stick figure couple, one was labelled as [Y/N] and the other was named Brian. He chuckled lightly, realising that just like himself, you had thought of him every single day up until you bumped into each other at the coffee shop. Brian placed the comic book back onto the bedside table, before he peered down his front. He raised his top up, admiring the tattoo that he had over his heart. You weren't just some other girl to him, you were his happiness, you were his angel, and he needed you as much as you needed him. He gathered his thoughts together, lowering his tee back down, before he stepped down the stairs, to find you in the living room, a weeping mess. You felt the sofa dip, as he took a seat beside you. His hands pulled at your arms, pulling them away from your face, as he pulled you towards him. His chocolate eyes looked deeply into your [E/C] orbs, as a single tear ran down his cheek.

"I'm so fucking sorry, [Y/N]. I didn't mean what I said, I love you with all of my heart." He stated, as his eyes pleaded for your forgiveness. You sniffled, wiping away the tears with your sleeve, as you sat up on the sofa. You looked at him, before peering down to your lap.

"How can I believe you after what you said, Brian. That hurt me..." You sighed. Brian took your hand in his, as he ran his thumb over the back of it. His finger pushed at your chin, making you look at him. He regretted deeply what he had said, it was all in the moment, and he didn't mean a single word of it.

"I'll make you believe again that I love you so much." He stated, before leaning in to kiss you softly.

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