Eight - Move In With Me?

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Your first anniversary had been and gone, Brian had surprised you with a romantic date, taking you to the fanciest restaurant in town, treating you like the princess he thought you were. He had worn his best attire; a jet black suit, along with a purple shirt and black tie. He had gelled his hair over to one side, making him look pretty suave for the evening. Brian had made sure that you were treated right by him the entire night, being the gentleman that he was, hidden behind his tougher exterior. He had tasted the wine for you, making sure that you'd love it, he had bought you a dozen roses, one for every month he had loved you, and he had bought you a sparkling necklace that had a locket. Inside the locket, he had taken the liberty of choosing the photo for you. It was one of the very first photos that you had taken together; Brian was laying on his side, with his knee propped up. You were laying against his abdomen, looking up at him laughing. He had a sweet smile on his face, the photo showing nothing but the instant connection the pair of you shared. Sal had taken the snap, constantly making jokes about how much he was being third-wheeled, but you knew that he was only teasing.

Now, you and Brian had been together for almost fifteen months, and you were beginning to never want to leave each other's sides. Every weekend, you'd either be round his house or he'd stay with you in your apartment. The two of you constantly dreaded that Sunday night feeling, when you'd have to part ways until the next time. Usually halfway through the week, Brian would take you on a small date. He would miss you drastically whenever you weren't in each other's company, it was like you were his drug, and he was addicted to your love, your touch, everything about you drove him crazy. When you weren't together, you'd be constantly texting back and forth, never wanting to drift apart from each other.

One Sunday morning, you awoke to being curled up in Brian's embrace, his chest pressed tightly against your back. He was slightly lower down in bed, as his forehead was resting between your shoulder blades. You were frightened to move, in case you were to disturb him, so remained there, just listening to his deep breaths and soft snores. He slept peacefully for another ten minutes, when you felt him stir. He inhaled deeply, as you felt his arm pull away from around your waist. He rolled onto his back, one arm remaining trapped underneath you, as he rubbed his eyes. He soon returned to his original position, pulling your body into his, as his deep and husky voice erupted from behind you.

"Good morning, Beautiful." He sleepily greeted, as he rested his head against the pillow. You rolled over in his clasp, running your hand along his cheek, as you surprised him with a soft kiss to his lips. Brian's eyes fluttered open, as he smiled at you.

"Good morning to you too, Handsome." You giggled, looking into his deep brown eyes. Brian pouted his lips, awaiting for yet another kiss. He just couldn't get enough of you. You leant in, pecking his lips quickly. The bed covers had been pulled down in the night, as they wrapped loosely over his waist. Brian rolled onto his back, pulling you into his side, as you rested your head against his chest. You could feel his chest rising and falling with every breath, before he let out a deep sigh. "What are you thinking about, Bri?" You asked, slightly concerned as to what was on his mind. Brian turned his head to look at you, the sadness evident in his eyes.

"I just know that you'll be going home today, and I don't want you to go." He frowned, pouting out his bottom lip. Your face soon joined in his sadness, as your eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm sorry, Babe...but I need to get back to the apartment for work tomorrow." You replied, gently kissing along his chest. Brian nodded along, not wanting to say how he truly felt. He wanted you with him at all times; not because he didn't trust you, he just wanted to be with you because he enjoyed it. He loved you with all of his heart, and he wanted you to know that. He loved how happy you made him feel, he loved seeing you enjoy yourself, he just wanted you to be enjoying life, and by being with you, he could witness it for himself.

The pair of you spent the rest of the day snuggled in bed, letting a single kiss lead from one thing to another. It wasn't rushed, it was sweet and gentle. Brian wanted to prove that he could take care of you, by not wanting to hurt you. Sure, he loved rough sex, but he knew that you appreciated his gentle loving once in a while. The time had reached six, which meant that you had to begin to pack up your things and make your way back home. Brian had fallen back asleep on his front, with his arm draped along your waist. His short strands of hair were spiked and messy, and you absolutely adored his bedhead. You gently lifted his arm off of you, as you sat up, swinging your legs off of the bed, planting them onto the floor. You were amidst a stretch, when you felt his arm coil around your waist.

"Brian..." You sighed, turning back to look at him. "I need to go home, Babe." Brian frowned in his tired state, whining in a child-like manner, as he tugged you back into his bed. He shook his head, as he sulked.

"Do you have to?" He frowned. You softly caressed his face, letting his coarse stubble graze along the palm of your hand, nodding your head. He pulled his puppy dog look, knowing that it was your one weakness. You looked away, not letting him win you over. You went to stand up, before he pulled you back down onto the bed. You turned to face him, seeing that his face had turned from sadness to a smirk. "Move in with me, [Y/N]?" Your stared at him, letting his words sink in.

"Brian, I don't-"

"Please?" He interrupted. You looked at him, seeing the pain on his face. He really cared for you, and you knew that you wanted to say yes, but there was something stopping you. You didn't know if it was just a mistake he had made, just to keep you with him for another night, or if he genuinely meant it. Brian could see that you were confused by his sudden outburst. "Look, I've been thinking about asking you for a while, and I thought that now was the right time to ask. I love you with all of my heart, [Y/N]. I don't want to lose you, it pains me to leave you every weekend, and have that long ass wait until the next time I get to hold you in my arms again. You're all I think about, you're all I care about, as long as I see that smile on your face, I'm happy..." He trailed off towards the end. You looked at him, as he struggled to look you in the eye, afraid that this may be the end of things between you.

"Okay." You smiled. Brian looked up, his eyes widening. "I'll move in with you, Brian." He leapt across the bed, pulling you into his arms, peppering kisses all over your cheeks. You started to giggle, his facial hair tickling against your skin. He held you tightly in his arms, rocking you side to side.

"I'm so fucking happy." He whispered into your ear. Eventually, he let you go, allowing you to return home for the next week, until the weekend, where you'd move all of your belongings into his home. This was it, the next step in your relationship had been overcome, and you were over the moon.

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