Chapter 10

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Maedbh’s POV

The next two days flew by fast and before I knew it, it was Wednesday. I’ll admit, I was a little shocked by how easy the school days had been. It’s not that I was anticipating class to be hard, but I was always on edge, expecting a retaliation of some sort from Luke. I knew he didn’t like me at all. I could see the disgust whenever he looked at me. But for some reason he had seemed to put aside his hatred. Maybe because Harry and I were becoming friends? He had started sitting with me at lunch and because of the Mrs Hanson, was forced to sit in the front beside me in class. Whatever the case, I was relieved that he hadn’t made my life a living hell here at school. I make my way to the library instead of the cafeteria. I had a paper due next week that I wanted to start the research for. I briefly wonder if Harry will care that I’m not at lunch but quickly shrug off the thought. He’ll just sit with his friends, I think.

It’s about half way through lunch and I’m fully immersed in my work and I run a hand through my hair and sit back stretching for a second. I open my eyes and see Harry across the table from me, a cheeky grin on his face. I let out a shriek and jump probably a foot in the air. The librarian looks over at me and shushes me.

“What are you doing here” I whisper.

“You weren’t at lunch” he says as if that explains everything.

“So? Why didn’t you just sit with Luke and all of them?” I ask. He shrugs slightly.

“It just wouldn’t be the same”

I smile slightly, feeling my cheeks heat up. “How long were you sitting there?” I ask trying to change the subject.

“Erm…” he replies glancing at the clock. “10 minutes or so” he adds with a cheeky smile. My eyes widen. I had been expecting him to say a minute or so. Had I really not noticed him being there for 10 minutes?

“Why didn’t you say anything?” I ask my voice rising.

“Shush,” the librarian says again, glaring at me. Harry chuckles softly as my cheeks redden again from embarrassment.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” I ask again in a whisper.

“Because you look cute when your working hard” he replies with a smile, making his dimples pop. My cheeks heat up again and I duck my head to try to hide it. What was it with this boy and making me blush? That was the third time in less than 10 minutes.

“I brought you some food” he adds. I look up in confusion as he places a wrapped sandwich on the table.

“We’re not allowed to eat in here” I say shaking my head, glancing back in the direction of the librarian who was busy helping a student.

“Well as long as you don’t get caught…” he says trailing off with a wink.

“But she’s right there. She’d see…” I start saying but I’m cut off when by him standing up suddenly.

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