I'm Not The Only One

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[Prompt: How bout y/n cheating on Camila.]

G!P You

Camila's POV

"What?" I asked my friend Dinah who's sitting right across of me. I furrowed my eyebrows at the younger one as I look at her.

"I told you, Mila. I saw her. Y/N is kissing someone else. She's cheating on you," Dinah said and take a sip on her coffee.

"You're joking, right?" I chuckled at her softly. "Y/N can't do that to me. She loves me, she's married to me." I said while flashing her my wedding and engagement ring that's placed on my left ring finger. "Stop telling me lies," I scoff as I lean back on my seat. "I know you never liked her for me, but you have to accept it, China. She has changed. She's not the same fuck it and leave it, girl that we met when we were in highschool. And as you can see, she's committed to me. She loves me."

Dinah called me this morning, saying that we should meet at this coffee shop downtown and that she also have something important to tell me. I waited till my wife went to her work at around eleven in the morning, then I meet up with Dinah at four in the afternoon.

If I only know that she will just tell a lot of lies about Y/N, I should've just stood her up. Y/N can't cheat on me, right? I know she loves me.

"I know Mila. But you have to believe me. I saw it with my two eyes, she's making out with some girl who's not you. And I even think she even have a child to that girl." The Tongan said.

I couldn't take it anymore. I slammed my fists on the table and said, "Stop, just fucking stop please. If you will just tell a bunch if lies about Y/N to tear our relationship apart, it's not going to work." I huff and snatch my hand bag that's place on our table.

I was about to make my way out of the coffee shop when I felt Dinah's fingers wrapped around my arm. "Wait, I'm sorry Walz. But I'm not lying just to break you two. I'm telling the truth."

I snatch my arm back and didn't look back at the taller girl and went out of the coffee shop. Y/N can't cheat on me, she loves me. We vowed to each other that we will love one another for better or for worst, till death do us part. She told me that I'm the only one who she wanted to spend her life with.

We've been married for five years and until now, we don't have any kids because she told me that she is still not ready to be a mother. So it would really be impossible for her to have a mistress and having a kid with her other woman, if she even exist. But Dinah told me that the girl that Y/N has been seeing has green-eyes and look like a damn Goddess.

I was walking for a long time that I didn't even noticed that I'm already in front of Y/N and I's house.

I twist the doorknob open and saw that no one's home. I cast a glance at the wall clock and saw that it's only seven in the afternoon. Y/N won't be home until nine, I know she is always working overtime, that's what she said.

I gasped in surprise when I saw my wife sleeping in our bed, I can feel a smile creeping on my lips and instantly went to her side. Her back is facing me, so I slowly hug her from behind and place a kiss on the back of her neck.

She stirred awake from her sleep and turn her body to face me. She slowly flutter her eyes open and gave me a sleepy smile. "Hey, baby. Where have you been?"

"Dinah and I had some bonding time." I told her. Well, it's not exactly the truth but it's not a lie either.

"Yeah?" I nodded my head and nuzzle my face on the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent. "How is she?"

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