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G!P You

If you're going to ask me what I hate the most; it's family occasions. Everything that involves my family being together again and complete in different generations, I dispise it, a lot. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, birthdays, reunions. Name it, I hate it. It's not because my family and I don't get along, I actually like my mom and my dad and my aunts and uncles, and also my my grandparents, I like everyone. Except for my eight year old cousin, Aiden.

That kid wants me to punch his face everytime I see him with my girlfriend. God, he have a huge crush on my long-term girlfriend, Camila Cabello. He said he's going to steal her from me and he's going to marry her one day and have a family with her. It's not cute! It's a little bit creepy because we're like three times older than him, but he said that doesn't stop him for loving her. I'm not scared that I'm going to lose my girlfriend to him because that's not going to happen. I hate that kid because he's a creep. I tell my girlfriend everytime she's in my family reunion and she told me that she's okay with it, but I'm not! That kid creeps me out.

"Babe," I saw a hand waving in my face and shook out of my thoughts as I saw my girlfriend eyeing me weirdly. "Where'd you go? You zone out for like five minutes," She said and scrunched up her nose.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking." I mumbled quietly.


"You know how much I hate family gatherings when he's here," I pointed at the little devil who's practically drooling on my girlfriend. He's staring at her while he have a huge grin on his face.

My family are celebrating my mom and my dad's wedding anniversary and my parents thought it would be nice to invite everyone. And I was hoping that Aiden won't come because he mentioned it to us last week while we are all having a birthday party celebration of his mom, he said he might stay at home, since he doesn't to go out. But when my mom mentions Camila's name and told them that my girlfriend is coming, that fucking kid's ears perks up and changed his fucking mind in a blink of an eye.

I snatch a piece of slice potato on my plate and throw it in his direction and it hit his forehead and I can't help but chuckled. He scratched it and my lips curve up to smirk when I saw him glaring at me.

I felt a hand collided on my upper arm and I winced. "What was that for?" I asked my girlfriend as I rub the spot where she hits me.

"Stop hurting the kid," She rolled her eyes at me.

"He was drooling while staring at you!" I stated. But she just ignored me as she take a sip on her drink.

I snap my head back to my eight year old cousin and saw him smiling widely when he noticed that Camila scolded me for hurting him. I flash my middle finger to him and continue eating my food.

"He's just a kid, Y/N. Let it go," Camila said and I sighed and mumble something under my breath and my girlfriend crooked her eyebrows at me. I shook my head and fish my phone out of my pocket.

"He's just a kid, Y/N. Let it go," I mocked Camila and shove another slice of my steak inside my mouth.

I'm going to make that kid cry at the end of the day.


"Camila!" I snap my head as soon as I saw Aiden walking closer to my girlfriend. He hugs her waist and stuff her face on her chest.

I pinched his arm and he winced as I try to act like I'm not the one who did it. "Hi Aiden," Camila place a kiss on her cheeks and he fucking blushed.

"Hi, baby." He gushed.

"Stop calling her baby. She's my baby, not yours." I told the kid but he just tilted his head at me and turn her gaze back to the Cuban.

Camila Cabello ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now