How Would You Feel

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[Prompt: Based on Ed Sheeran's song. Enjoy! x]

I sighed in contentment as I stare at the girl sitting on the parked car, next to me. She looks so beautiful, and as the sun hitting her face, I can see how much she've changed, physically. Her cheekbones become prominent and her cute fat cheeks that she had when she was fifteen, disappeared. Her jawline is so beautiful and it looks like it can any shit. Her lips are plump and so soft.

"Stop," I heard her giggles and I can see her cheeks flushed.

I raised my eyebrows at her and asked, "Stop what?"

"Staring at me,"

"I'm not staring. I'm just- I'm just admiring your beauty." I told her genuinely and her lips curve up to a dazzling smile.

"Mhmm," She leaned her head on my shoulder and I place my hand on her waist and pull her closer to me. She nuzzle her face on the crook my neck and she plants a soft kiss on my exposed skin. "You smell so good," Her breath trickling against my neck sent a shiver down to my spine.

I felt her arm rest on my stomach and she press her lips on my neck again. "Baby, stop." I laughed. She started placing feather kisses and I can't help but laughed out loud. "That tickles. Camila, stop." I said in between laughs. And as my laugh subside as she pull away with a huge smile on her face.

"You're so beautiful." She gushed and I can feel my face heating up. "I'm so lucky to have you,"

"I'm so lucky to have you." I mimicked her and capture her lips with mine.

Camila and I have been dating for almost eight months. We met at our History class and one day, she just offered me to help me to study, out of nowhere, since I barely got a C plus on my tests. She would come to my house or I will be staying in there house for our tutoring sessions after my basketball practices. Sometimes, she would wait for me in the gym to finish my training and she told me she doesn't mind watching me doing a scrimmage.

She's a straight A student, always love spending time at the library, doing her homeworks or just reading. We're the exact opposite. I'm an athlete, she's a nerd. She loves to stay in the library and I love to stay inside the gym. She loves studying and I don't and I still don't know how I get an A plus at some of my tests. She's introvert, I'm extrovert. People in our school knows me and they don't know Camila.

That's why I was so suprised when she come up to me and asked me if it's okay if she will help me with my History subject. It's not because I'm famous and she's not, to be honest, I'm not actually paying any attention to anyone at school. I don't care if I'm popular or not. I was shocked because the girl I've been crushing on since third grade, asked me if she can teach me and who the hell am I to turn it down, right? I was just so shy to ask her out since she's out of my league, I mean, look at her. She's perfect and I'm nothing conpare to her.

She's so patient with me when she's teaching me about the world history and luckily, I aced all of my history tests. And Camila was beyond happy to know about it and I'm so thanful for her.

We got really close to each other after she tutored me. We're hanging out inside and outside the school and sometimes, her mom will invite me for dinner or her little sister, Sofia will keep on bugging Camila to ask me to hang out with them, since the little kid told me that I'm her favorite person aside from her family.

And I didn't even know that her, asking me if she can tutor me at the subject that I'm not good at will lead us to this, dating each other. But I'm not complaining though. And I've been the happiest since she came into my life.

Her parents and my parents both know that we are dating and they are both supportive to us. My mom and Camila get along with each other so well. Sometimes, I feel like my mom and dad likes her more than they do to me but it's fair, since Sinu and Alejandro loves me more than they love their own daughters and Camila is not even jealous, because she told me that it's good that I'm getting along with my future in laws.

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