Chapter Twenty-Three. Scott can't wait

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Emily drove the car off the tunnel transporter and headed for the motorway back to London. 

'Don't forget,' said Jessica, 'to drive on the left.'

'I won't.' Emily didn't need reminding in spite of driving in France and Switzerland for the past seven days. On their roads, cars drove on the right. 

'Really enjoyed myself, Em. Thanks.'

'I did too. Wasn't Zermatt such a laugh.'

They joked about their first time ski experience.

'I'll miss you when you go to Boston.'

'Once we've settled in, I'm going to be coming back every month. Scott's okay with that.'

'You're going so soon,' said Jessica, who put on a mock wailing voice. 'Do you truly love him?'

'Yup. I haven't loved anyone before with the same intensity.'

'Can you split your love between Scott and me?'

'It's not the same, Jess. You're special because we've been through so much together.' Emily paused while she concentrated to overtake another car. 'You must find a decent man. Someone to look after you, cherish you.'

'I'll come to Boston and find an American,' she giggled.

'No way. Imagine the chaos when they see us together. I don't want you in Boston for obvious reasons.'

Jessica did a pout. 'I would like to see America.'

'Maybe we could meet in New York or something.' Emily's suggestion went down well and she could see them both having a girly few days together. It would be expensive; the flights, hotels and eating out. Emily's mind turned to the money.

'Jess. Is there a way you can earn some money but still be flexible on taking time off?'

'I could get a job with an agency for receptionists, where they provide cover on a short term basis.' Jessica crossed her legs. 'I want to do something. It's clear my modelling days are over.'

'I can't get a job, even in Boston. They all want references.'

'So how will you get enough money?'

'Enough money for both of us, Jess. I'm not having you go on the streets.' 

They lapsed into silence and listened to the engine powering them at 70 miles an hour towards London.

Another bout of guilt enveloped Emily. She wished she hadn't shoved the Asian porn site onto her ex-boss's computer. In her mind she made a plan, to do one more extraction of 'petty cash' from her old employer, and then no more. She would work out something with Jess to keep them both out of debt.

That evening, Emily stood naked in the bathroom of her flat. She had a date with Scott. And she couldn't wait.

Although her relationship with Jessica had gone from best friend to bisexual lover, Emily still preferred sex with Scott. As she put her makeup on, she mused it must be something to do with the male body, the male smell, the male way of looking at things, and possibly the challenge of understanding men. On the other hand, Jess had reasoned it as her preference for the male dick; as always, Jess was more direct, and maybe it was another reason for Emily's choice to put Scott ahead of Jessica in the love-making category. 

Emily liked putting her face on while naked. She couldn't think why. She put on a lash line of Lancome Doll mascara to give her eyes a deeper look. And a quick stick application of Hermes deodorant, before she checked her red nails and selected matching lipstick.  

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