Chapter Seventeen. Boston Friday

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Emily lay on her back in the dark waiting for her body to agree to sleep. The double bed was ample room for two people. Scott was on his side facing her, his breathing regular, asleep. Emily would take longer to join him.

Her body was still jangling, a reaction to their love-making. It seemed men could quickly sleep after an evening of sex, something to do with their spent energy, the process of ejacul@ting. She smiled in the dark at that word. It sounded to her like it applied to a bull while mating with a cow. The fact was, though, Emily had been well and truly bonked in the way she wanted. It had been the first time Scott had got it right.

The background hum of the air conditioning clicked off. The red dot from the wall TV, and the room clock on her bedside table, were the only form of light.

She reflected on the first and second of her 0rgasms at the hands and lips of Scott. And then he made love to her, building his own release, while Emily kept coming. A beautiful clim&x, finally, for both of them, just as Scott called her name. 

Thinking about it caused her body to twitch, to flip lazily, as another sprinkling of desire washed over her. These thoughts, she knew, needed to be pushed aside to aid her slumber. To say she was pleased was an understatement. Yes, she had experienced the best sex with Scott. But also . . . it seemed to Emily . . . the key had been to make Scott come beforehand, just once, quickly, no build-up, a need to do it. By so doing, the fire of premature release had been put out and replaced with a slower foreplay. 

These thoughts tangled through her mind as she drifted and slipped into the world of dreams. 

Emily woke with sweet words being injected into her subconscious and the feeling of being hugged from behind. 

'Like some tea?'

She managed to moan yes, but also felt his erection in her back. 'I can tell you want it,' she said. She was happy for his reaction and willing to let him do it.

'Later. You'll have to wait.' He slipped out of bed and switched on the kettle. Five minutes later, she had her PG Tips drink on the bedside table. 

'What day is it?' said Emily.

'Friday. I'll be back for lunch, we can do some sight seeing this afternoon, then dinner with the Chief Surgeon and his wife.'

Emily remembered that Scott had an appointment at Mass General this morning to see their operation procedures.

They had breakfast together before Scott disappeared. Later, Emily sat in their room reading the Boston newspaper. The telephone on the bedside table rang.

'Hello. Is that Emily? My name is Faye and I'm the wife of the Chief Surgeon at Mass.' They talked and Faye suggested a morning together, they could do some light shopping or have coffee.

Emily sensed a kindness from Faye and agreed to have Faye come over to the Mandarin for a girls morning.

They met in the M Lounge coffee area, and shook hands. Faye said, 'you're about the same age as my daughter, and it's a pleasure to meet you.' They chatted while they were served coffee. Faye suggested some shopping and Emily asked about the dinner date for this evening. Emily described the sexy deco cocktail dress worn yesterday, and asked  Faye if it was the right choice. Faye advised to play safe and they walked out of the hotel in search of a more conservative dress.

It took all morning, but by the time they parted, Emily felt she had made a friend. 


Scott and Emily had a light lunch at City Landing restaurant, before strolling down to Long Wharf to take a cruise out on Boston Harbor. The April sunshine wasn't warm enough and meant they wore coats on the deck of the boat. They could have sat inside, but the sea air was invigorating. Views of the moored boats and expensive apartments were to their left as they motored up to Inner Harbor. The captain gave a running commentary and pointed out the USS Constitution, an old ship of three tall masts, rigging and sails. Iron canons protruded from the side of the ship.

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