Chapter XXVI

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Sakura's Story (Begin)

"I just want to say,

I just want you to know my story.

I want you to know why you should stop,

And I want you to know the results."

He opened his eyes, expecting to find the sun shining in his eyes, as usual. But of course, when a girl like Sakura has morning therapy sessions with you, nothing is usual anymore.

She was resting her arms and her chin on his bed, watching him wake up and recollect himself. Her big green eyes warm and bright as usual.

He only blinked and covered her face with his hand and mumbled, "How can you emit such a bright light at this time of morning? Freak."

She smiled, laughed and took his hands, playing with his fingers, and whispered, "Practice and practice, my dear Sasuke-kun." She laughed again.

He smiled and closed his hand around hers, "So, did you open your eyes and realize you want to love me back yet?"

She frowned and her eyes lost their shine for a second, but the sun came back with an even stronger force. She gave him a subtle smile and joked, "Maybe, maybe not."

He pulled her hand, bringing her face close and whispered, "Well, I love you."

Sakura laughed and patted his head saying what she usually says at awkward situations, "You're so cute, Sasuke-kun!"

He sighed and let go of her hand. He sat up, and ran his fingers through his hair, which was flying all over the place. She laughed and tried to mat it down, she crawled into his lap.

Sasuke smiled and whispered, "Trapped." He locked his arms around her and rested his face in her collar. She took her arms out and hugged his head.

They stayed this way for about five minutes until Sakura managed to squeeze into his arms, leveling her face with his. She smiled, "Come on now, you can't hog me to yourself."

He chuckled and held back from kissing her, whispering instead, "Watch me."

The girl laughed poking his stomach, making him squirm uncharacteristically. The boy grunted. She continued to poke and pester him, "Come on, get up, we have to walk, remember?"

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, as if we don't get there early enough." Despite what he said, he carried her, under her arms, out of his lap and onto his bed. He hopped out and walked to the bathroom.

In the course of ten or so minutes, he showered, brushed his teeth, and changed clothes. When he stepped out, his bed was made and Sakura was happily sitting Indian style atop it. She was on her phone.

Sasuke walked up to her and poked her forehead, "Come on, let's go downstairs." She giggled and got up. They walked down the stairs in sync.

He looked to her and asked randomly, "Why the hell does Itachi even let you go upstairs to my room?" He raised a brow.
Of course, she laughed then, snickering, "Because he doesn't know?"

His eyes bugged out.

She laughed even harder and clutched her stomach, "I'm just kidding with you, he knows. He knows everything well, kinda, but, yeah, he's the one who told me to just go in your room."

Sasuke rolled his eyes and sighed. They got downstairs and Sasuke ate a tomato. They left promptly after that.

Their walk to school was pretty chill, quiet. A few thoughtful words were tossed around, but they were both lost in their own worlds.

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