Chapter XVIII

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Drift Away

"It's like she's drifting away,

But, I need her.

Don't fade away, Sakura."

Naruto stared at her with a quizzical expression, "You're joking right?"

Sakura shook her head and began to walk away, "Nope, I don't joke, Naruto." Once she was a good ten feet away she sang, "Bye! Naruto, Hinata!"

Naruto waved and held onto Hinata's hand. She held his hand back and they just looked at each other when she was out of seeing range.

He sighed and muttered, "How are we supposed to keep this a secret? This is pretty freaking big..."

Hinata cautiously leaned into his shoulder and whispered, "She'll make the right choice. I know she will. She is Sakura after all..."

Naruto smiled and nodded, "Yeah..."


Soon, the day was over, and everyone was asleep. Sakura woke up from her sleep and looked to the alarm clock. 2:34 AM. She smiled sheepishly and picked up her phone. She scrolled through her contacts and clicked on Gaara.

Half asleep she texted him. Sakura leaned back into her bed and stared at the ceiling. She scrolled through her contacts and texted two people the same message considering tomorrow.

After five minutes, she opened her phone, and there were no new messages. She put her phone on the table and curled up under her blankets. As she drifted back into slumber she laughed softly, "Finally. Gaara fell asleep."


Sasuke sat up in his bed, and just stared at the wall ahead of him. His eyes caught the glint of a razorblade sticking out of his wall. He glared, as he thoughts floated back to yesterday morning.

Sakura... I... I told her I loved her yesterday... Will today be different? He laid back in his bed and closed his eyes. I hope not.

The sound of the door opening didn't make him move. He just shot back, "Itachi, get the hell out of my room."

There was a giggle and his eyes snapped out, "Sakura!"

He smiled and thought, Yeah... it'll still be the same.

He sat up, and his jaw dropped, "Sakura?!"


Hinata woke up and quickly dressed herself. She went to the small kitchen and ate an apple quickly. She headed to the door, earlier than she had to leave and called, "Tenten! Wake up!" When she heard Tenten grumble and say, "I'm up." She went outside to avoid conversation.

She leaned on the door and sighed. When she opened her eyes he saw Naruto smiling brightly at her. She blushed, "Ah! Go-good morning, Naruto-kun!" she smiled.

He nodded and casually hung his arm around her shoulders and smiled, "Morning, Hina-chan." Naruto yawned and asked, "We're kinda early, do you want to leave yet?"

She shrugged, "I don't really care..."

Naruto slid his arms off her shoulders and held her hand. He tugged her softly up the stairs, "Well, I want to introduce you to Kyuubi. He's dying to meet you in person!"

She nodded and smiled, "Okay."


Ino left her house and began to walk to school. Usually she'd drive or get a ride from someone else, but she remembered that exercising is an alternative to throwing up; it helps you lose weight the healthy way.

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