Chapter XX

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Freaking Couch

"Sakura, can I ask you something?"

"You're already asking me, you silly goose, what is it anyway?"

"Sakura... do you love me?"

Sasuke pulled his head down a little so his eyes were leveled with hers. He looked deep into those emerald pools. They were blank. Her lip was pulled into a tight line.

Sasuke let go of her hand and brought it to her face. It rested on her cheek. "Sakura..."

She looked up, her eyes still blank, but a smile was present on her pale lips. She giggled softly, "Hey, Sasuke, I gotta go." She stood up and walked away.

He stood up and called, "But lunch isn't over yet-!" the bell rang. He sat back down and sighed. Sasuke looked up and the first face that met him was Gaara's.

His eyes were just a sold color of sea foam. They gave no information, but for some reason... it made Sasuke feel relieved. It was like Gaara was telepathically saying, "It's okay."


Naruto awkwardly pulled Hinata off his chest, who kind of dosed off and stretched. Hinata held the sleeve of his shirt and rubbed her eyes. She yawned.

Naruto laughed and casually slung an arm around her shoulder, "How was your nap, Hinata-chan?"

Said girl flushed and didn't say anything. Together, they walked cutely to their next class.


Tenten went over to Sasuke and gave him a hard slap on the back, "Harsh." She smiled and walked away with Neji, "But it's nothing you can't handle right?"


Ino stood up and Gaara stood next to her. They waited for the brooding boy. Sasuke slowly rose and stood next to Gaara, who was now in the middle. They walked almost in sync to their next class.


A pair of dark eyes were watching them stride across the room. He sighed, "This is troublesome." The pineapple headed boy scratched his head, "I think I'm getting jealous." He smirked and brushed off the feeling.


Sakura ran, as soon as she was outside of the cafeteria she sprinted to her office. As soon as she was inside, she slammed the door shut and locked it.

Shakily, she hobbled toward her couch. She lowered herself and lay down on her side and curled up into a ball. Her eyes were blank.

Her lips quivered and she muttered, "It's starting."

She felt a sharp pang in her stomach. A familiar gurgle met the back of her throat. She put a hand to her mouth and ran to the sink. She released her hand and puked into the sink.

She watched the contents of her stomach go down the drain as she turned on the water. Sakura splashed the cool water on her face and rinsed her mouth. She turned off the water and limped back to the couch. She laid face first as an attempt to tame her tummy.

Her head was pounding and her stomach was churning. Finally tears, sprouting in her now emotional eyes, began to rain down.

She choked on her sobs as she cried, "It's staring. Oh my god... it's staring." She clutched a pillow and clenched her hands so tight the fabric began to stretch, "And now... of all times..."

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