Chapter XVII

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The Truth Explained

"I'm gonna die.

I finally said it.

Someone finally knows.

But will they sit and do nothing as I hope?"

Hinata sat up in her bed. She looked across the room and saw Tenten curled up in a ball asleep. She looked over to Neji, who was asleep as well. She smiled and hopped out of bed.

Hinata went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and change. As soon as she was done, she stealthily skipped out of the room. She went out side and locked the door. When she turned she nearly yelped.

She blushed and looked down, "Oh... hello, Naruto-kun."

Naruto smiled and laughed, "Good morning Hinata-chan! I was just gonna swing by. So do you wanna get some ramen with me?"

Hinata nodded and smiled, "Sure."

They started down the stairs. Naruto filled the silence with random conversation about flavors of ramen. Hinata just nodded and smiled.

They started to pass by the park, and Hinata was just looking at the swings. Her lip shook. Naruto followed her gaze, "What is it, Hinata-chan?"

Hinata pointed at the barely visible swing set and mumbled, "Is that Sakura-chan?"

Naruto squinted, "I'm not sure, I can't see... is she with someone?"

Hinata shook her head, "I don't think so... is she okay?"

He shrugged and took her hand, "Let's just drop by, to check if she's okay..."


Sakura just smiled and laughed, "I'm going to die." She laughed once more and swung up high, "I'm going to die! And there's nothing I can do about it!"

Naruto furrowed his brow, thoroughly confused and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Sakura-chan?"

His touch zapped her with realization. She jumped off the swings when he spoke. She straightened up, but didn't turn to them. In a low voice she murmured, "Nothing."

She began to walk away, but a firm, but still shaking, hand laid on her shoulder. She turned back and saw Hinata's pale eyes, she asked, "Sa-Sakura-chan... what's going on?"

Naruto edged closer and added, "Yeah, what's all this 'I'm going to die' shit?" he furrowed his brow, "It's not a joke is it? Because that's not funny."

Sakura smiled, and chuckled, "It's not a joke."

Hinata's hand slid off her shoulder and hung by her side. Naruto just waited stiffly for her reply.

She tilted her head, and turned her full body to them, "I'm serious, guys."

A smile touched her lips.

"I'm going to die."


The phone rang once, twice, thrice... and right when he was about to hang up, someone asked, "Hello?"

Sasuke jumped at the voice, not expecting for him to answer and stuttered.

"Hey! Uh... is this Sai?"

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