Chapter V

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What is Love?

"Sasuke, did you love Ino?"


"Sasuke, do you truly love her?"

"Yes, I do, Sakura."

"Sasuke, are you sure it's love?"


"Are you sure?"


Ino blinked and stared at the mirror. Her reflection stared back. She sniffled and let her pencil touch the paper. Suddenly it had a mind of its own.

Things I hate about myself:

My fat arms.
My fat legs.
My fat thighs, and calves.
My red eyes.
My fat fingers.
My burning throat.
My flabby tummy.
My square shaped face.
Things I like:
My hair color.
My lips.

Her lips trembled as she read the page. "The bad outnumber the good."

She wiped away tears threatening to fall and sprinted to the toilet. She puked, without her own help. She cried with her face against the toilet.

Ino soon stumbled up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She automatically reached for her notebook.


Tenten walked into her apartment and dropped her swords by the door. She took a soda and opened it. She guzzled some down.

Tenten then reached into her pocket and pulled out a bright pink sticky note.

Hello Tenten!

I'm your therapist! You can sit with me every other day at lunch, 'kay? On the other days we can text.

Well, seeya tomorrow!

-Rescue Me Therapist

Tenten smiled and headed towards her shower.


"What does she see in him?"

Shikamaru stared up at the sky. He was lying on the roof, next to his other best friend chewing chips. Shikamaru turned to him, "Chouji, what does Ino see in him?"

Chouji stopped chewing thoughtfully but then shrugged and continued eating.

Shikamaru started again, "I mean, he's an appealing guy, but is that all she's in for?"

Chouji shrugged again, "Oh, and he's good at sports."

Shikamaru sighed, "Isn't every guy?"
His best friend looked at him and smiled a cheeky smile, "You're jealous, aren't you?"

Shikamaru snorted, "They already broke up, why would I be?"

Chouji laughed and stuffed some chips in his mouth, "You're jealous, it's all over your face, man." He laughed again, "Maybe because she's talking about him so much."

Shika sighed, "This is so troublesome." He scratched his chin.

Chouji looked him in the eye and serious said, "Dude, are you sure you're not jealous?"

Rescue Me Therapy [SasuSaku]Where stories live. Discover now