Chapter XXV

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They Know

"Sakura is going to what?"

"I've said it plenty enough times for you to understand."

"No, no, no, I won't believe you! She's in perfect health! Stop telling me lies, Naruto!"

"No, she's not, guys, that's why she's...she's just fading..."

"No! She can't die! We need her! She's our friend!"

"I know. But that's why we need to put on brave faces."

The table immediately stiffened. It was so obvious in Shikamaru's head. He could almost guess what each problem was. He was just that pro.

Tenten looked around, pinpointing mainly Neji and Hinata, muttering, "Wha-what are you talking about?"

Shikamaru furrowed his brows, "Don't waste time lying. It's troublesome."

Naruto, being the genius that he is, sputtered, "How did you know?!"

All eyes were on him and each glaring their own daggers. Naruto didn't cower, interested in finding Shikamaru's reason for knowing. He looked over at Ino, who probably told him.

Shikamaru shrugged, "It was obvious. And any further explanation would be troublesome." He slumped and held up his head with his hand, "So, how did you know all this, Naruto?"

The blonde boy kept playing stupid and asked, "How did you know that I knew?"

The table all looked at him again, each thinking the same thing. Naruto knew? Did Sakura tell him?

The pineapple headed boy shrugged again, "You just have a weird connection with everyone's feelings. You always know when something is up."


Sasuke snickered, despite thinking that Shikamaru was completely right. That blonde idiot always knew what was wrong when someone was feeling ill.

Wait... does that mean he knows what's up with Sakura?

Sasuke suddenly started to listen more intently to Naruto and Shikamaru's conversation.


"And besides, Ino told me that Sakura is a therapist, and why else would you all be with her at certain times? And texting her during class?" Shikamaru stated bluntly.

Tenten looked down, scratching her chin, "Whoa, I never thought of that."

The table sat in silence once again, suddenly realizing the obvious situations they were in, that it was just a huge coincidence. But at the same time, everyone started to feel insecure, they felt exposed having someone know.

And Naruto.

Having Naruto know everything the whole time.

It's embarrassing that the "idiot" knows every single feeling they have. He knew everything that was going on, but didn't say anything. They didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Shikamaru looked at everyone of the people at the table, including Gaara now, because Ino always invites him over, and inhales deeply. He quietly says, "So, will anybody be willing to share their problems...?" They all looked at him thoughtfully, "You know, I mean out loud. Mind reading is mighty troublesome."

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