Chapter XIX

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Fall Harder

"Beauty is how you feel on the inside...

Why does nobody understand that?"

Ino entered the lunchroom, excited. She immediately found Naruto, and Sasuke. She waved furiously in their direction. Naruto waved back and Sasuke gave her a cool nod. She skipped over squealing.
She sat across from them both and smiled, "What's up, guys?"

Naruto smiled, "Not much." He took a huge bite out of his piece of pizza.

Sasuke shrugged taking a sip from his coke. Ino pulled out a bag of chips from her purse and began to eat slowly. One of her hands remained in her pockets, anxiously waiting for a text message.

Then, in about five seconds her phone vibrated. She jumped, which caused her to get weird stares from both guys. She smiled and said, "Text message."

She opened it and read it quickly.

Sakura: What's up, Ino-piggy? Look over at me. You'll understand everything.

She looked over, and almost spat out her chips. Ino stared, completely amazed and shocked. Shakily she began to text back.

Sakura smiled and she sat down in her usual spot. She noticed more people were looking her way this time around, she ignored them. Sasuke's hoodie was folded in her lap, so everyone saw what she was wearing. She pulled out another bag of strawberries and began to slowly munch on them.


In a couple of minutes more people began to occupy the lunchroom. She waited for her patients of the day, Neji, Hinata, and Tenten.

Absentmindedly she watched people walk in, and watched Sasuke sit at "his" table. He was alone and she could only see a profile view of his face. She was content either way though.

Sakura popped a strawberry in her mouth and swung her legs. She just sat down as cute as possible and waited...

Soon her patients were scanning the room for her, the one who spotted her was Tenten, who screamed, "SAKUURAAAAAAA?!" She ran up to the table.

Sakura stood up and curtsied, "Why, hello there, Tenten, Neji, Hinata!" They all just stared at her in a state of awe. Sakura giggled, "What, did I stun you?"

Hinata blurted, "You look beautiful, Sakura-chan!"

Neji just stared, his mind was wandering elsewhere. He sat down first, then Tenten sat by him and Hinata by her.
Sakura was all smiles and she just held her hand up on her hands, swinging her legs. Tenten was the first to speak, "So is this what you were talking about?" she assessed her hair, her smile, her clothes...

The pink haired girl smiled and nodded, "Pretty much!" she directed her attention to Hinata and Neji and said, "So, how's things with you guys?"

Hinata shrugged and quietly said, "I moved in with Tenten... so I don't get beat anymore." She smiled softly, but inside was frightened.

Sakura clapped and then looked to Neji. She saw the solemn look on his face and became serious, "So, how are you Neji?"

He looked up and stared her in the eye, "Fine. Hiashi-sama hasn't beaten me since Hinata left." He kind of just trailed off.

Sakura nodded, I'm going to make him stay to talk after lunch. She turned to Tenten and smiled big, "So, girly, this is... how to look girly!" she giggled.

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