Chapter XI

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Text "S"

"Shikamaru, you're my friend."

"I know, you're my friend too."

"Friends are supposed to stick together when their friend is going through a hard time."

"I'm sorry, Ino, I was just-."

"Then why weren't you there...?"

Sasuke and Ino stared at her incredulously. Sakura smiled and nodded, "Go on..."

They stared at each other. Ino was unsure and Sasuke was confused. They didn't move. Sakura sighed, "Do you two not know how to hold hands?"

Sasuke glared at her, his eyes saying, I'm-not-an-idiot. Sakura shot a glare back that said, Don't-be-so-sure.

Ino looked away flushing. Ugh... this is so awkward.

Sakura sighed again, "Fine, I guess I'll just have to help you."

She reached for Sasuke's hand, and held it in her own. Sasuke felt warm, but controlled his blush.

Sakura gently held Ino's hand and smiled in her direction. Ino just stared.

Sakura lifted their hands slowly and put them together. She made them close hands, but kept hers on top. "Good..."

Sasuke stared at their entwined hands and thought, Ino's hands are so cold... compared to Sakura. Sakura's hand is so warm... Why...?

Ino stared at their hands too and questioned, "Uhm... no offense or anything... but, uhm, why are we... holding hands?"

Sakura smiled and let go, and slapped the table, "Welcome to the Break-up Therapy, and Remaking Friendship Session!" she smiled.

Sasuke took his hand, that wasn't holding Ino's, and flicked Sakura's cheek, "That sounds really stupid."

Sakura playfully slapped his cheek and smiled, "Don't be like that! I'm helping you rebuild your friendship!" she turned to Ino, "Besides, you'll make Ino-piggy sad if you decline!"

Ino glared at her and mumbled, "Ino...-piggy?!"

Sakura laughed and said, "Okay, let's carry on..." Her face became serious, and she closed her eyes. "Prepare for the spillage of guts and tears!"

She looked at Sasuke and Ino's hands and whispered, "Care to share your feelings about the break-up?" They both looked down, "Come on, someone needs to go first."

Sasuke stared at his free hand resting in his lap. Am I ready to talk about this? He looked up and saw Sakura's face. She was staring glumly at their hands. But... it looked like she was looking past it.

He stared back at her face and mumbled, "I... felt lonely."

Ino jumped, and she squeezed his hand. Sakura looked at him and smiled, "Anything else?"

Sasuke looked Ino in the eyes and whispered, "It hurt... because I didn't know why you suddenly broke up with me... I'm still so confused..." he looked away.

Ino said in a low voice, "I... I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I was a selfish person."

Sasuke popped his head up and questioned, "What? How- you didn't do anything?!"

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