Chapter I

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The Cutter, The Heave-er, The Abused, The Slap Happy

"Sasuke, it's not working out, between us."

"I know."

"We should break up."

"I know."

"I'm sorry.

"I know."

The bass of the music in his room blared loudly. The posters on his walls were shaking and his head nodded with the beat of the song. He opened his desk drawer and took out a shiny, small, metal object.

A wicked smile creeped onto his face and his eyes were full of blood lust. He let the cool razor lay on his wrist. He bit his lip and let the razor drag across his pale skin. He sighed hotly. Blood spilled out of his cut.

He put the razor back into its respected drawer and wiped the blood off and applied healing ointment and a Band-Aid. He did this, because it would be horrible if anyone found out. He smiled and leaned back in his chair.

He closed his eyes and let the loudness of the music clear up his head. He sighed and opened his eyes. He reached for the drawer again, hoping for seconds.

"What the hell are you doing, Sasuke?!" A voice called.

Sasuke jumped and looked at the door. His brother was fuming by the door, which was wide open. "Why are you in my room, Itachi?" his voice remained cool.

Itachi chucked an object at his desk. A shiny razor stuck onto the wooden table. "What the hell is this?" Sasuke looked away from him. Itachi's eyes lay on Sasuke's freshly bandaged wrist.

Sasuke mumbled, "It's a razor."
Itachi nodded, "That's right." He walked to Sasuke, "Why are you doing this to yourself?" his voice softened.

Sasuke refused to look at him. He didn't say anything. He didn't even move. Itachi closed his eyes and looked hurt. "Come on Sasuke, there are better things in life." Sasuke didn't move. Itachi nudged his shoulder, "Hey."

Sasuke blankly stared at a picture on his desk. It was a picture of his mom, dad, Itachi and himself. They were all smiling. It stared down at Sasuke and he felt guilty.

Itachi put a piece of paper on Sasuke's desk and said, "Fill it out, you need help." He patted Sasuke's spiky hair, "You're not allowed to do anything until you finish this."

Sasuke snorted, he wasn't going to do anything. He thought Itachi was dumb for actually trusting him. "Since when did you start to care, Itachi?"

Itachi closed the door quietly, not before he whispered, "Ever since mom and dad died."


She looked at herself in the mirror. Her skin looked unhealthy, she was too skinny, and it seemed like here hair was flat too. She smiled and her thoughts screamed, LIAR! LIAR! She frowned.

I had a banana, and sandwich. She took her toothbrush and jammed it down her throat. As soon as it hit the back of her throat she gagged. She did it again. Score! Her lunch just went down the drain.

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