Chapter III

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I Would Help

"Did you want to break up?"


"Did you even want to go out in the beginning?"


"Did you even love me before?"


Sakura smiled at him and held his hand, "I'll help you." She let go of his hand and patted his shoulder, "I help you no matter what."

Sasuke kept his eyes ahead, somewhat ignoring her. He was angry. Why the fuck does she care? It's not like she can magically make me better. It's not like she can bring my parents back to-... He sighed, "Why do you want to help me?" He looked at her.

Sakura's face became sympathetic and her eyes softened, "I don't want other people to feel like they're the only one. I like to help..." She smiled. "Why do you ask?"

Sasuke snorted, "You don't know anything about me. Why would you help me?" he readjusted his backpack. Sakura shrugged, "I may not know much about you, but why wouldn't I help you?" she looked to the floor, "No one deserves not to be helped."

"Hn." Was all he replied.

Sakura took something out of her bag. It was a black and dark blue striped composition book. She handed it to him. Sakura smiled, "I want you to write down how you feel, what you were doing, and what made you do it, right before you cut." Sasuke glared at it, "Got it?"

He nodded, "Sakura..." she turned to him, "Why... why did you cut?"

Sakura smiled sadly and whispered, "My parents beat each other, and then they died both drunk in a car accident." Sasuke looked down, immediately sorry for asking. My parents died in a car, driving my brother home. At least they were sane. He shivered.

Sakura laughed suddenly and walked away from him. "There are people with worse stories than you, Sasuke."

Sasuke walked after her, "Wait-?" Sakura turned around and pointed ahead of them. "We're at school! Times up!" She laughed and ran into the crowd. Sasuke ran in after her, but he couldn't find that pink haired girl, ironically.

Sasuke sighed and opened the composition book to find the first page written in. He read over it and chuckled.


You "emo" boy, cheer up, kiddo!
Don't worry, I'll help you with all your problems and questions. Call me if you need any help, and DO NOT be afraid to ask questions (which means, swallow your manly pride you arrogant fool!). My number is 235-489-9428.

Okay, I'll tell you why I wrote here. I just wanted to make sure you knew all the rules, kay?

Write in here before you cut, write down how you felt before and after, what you were doing, and what made you do this. And you can just write in this whenever you feel like you need to say something, but don't want to say aloud. Really just write in this book.

Got it?


Rescue Me Therapist:
Sakura Haruno

P.S. I'll be walking with you to school, until you change the way of communicating!

Sasuke looked at her light cursive and snorted. Why is she so damn optimistic and happy. Does she even take her role seriously?

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