Carson's First Christmas

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"This is weird." Liam mumbled as we stepped inside the once familiar house, just about a week before Christmas.

"Yeah." Niall nodded in agreement his eyes looking around the room. I could practically see the memories that we had there replaying in his mind.

"Okay, guys." Ben said walking into the room from somewhere else in the house, "We're all set up on the stairs. You know what you want to say?"

"We've got some ideas, yeah." I shrugged.

"We don't really want to do this." Louis said kicking at the floor. We all felt weird and uncomfortable.

"I know, but we've got to get this done. They need to know. Come on." He said and we all reluctantly followed him.

"I think these stairs got smaller." Liam said as he and Niall kept banging shoulders.

"Or we got bigger." Zayn said stretching out at the top of the stairs.

"Alright, cameras all set up. You're in the order you want to be in?" He asked.

"No wait I want to sit by Zayn!" Niall decided so we all shuffled around so Louis and I were sitting in the front, with Zayn and Niall in the middle, and Liam at the top. He had the broadest shoulders anyway so it worked out better that way.

"Okay, ready?" Ben asked, "And in three, two, one."

"Hello!" Liam cheered, "Well I'm sure that you all recognize where we are." He said gesturing to the stairs in the X-Factor house. "We've got some really important news to share with you guys."

"We are right here, right now announcing our last and final tour." Louis said.

"For now anyway." Niall interrupted and we all nodded in agreement. "I see quite a few reunion concerts coming up!"

"Our last album drops tomorrow," I said. It actually dropped two days from then but the video wouldn't be posted until the day after we shot it. "Just in time for all the last minute Christmas gifts you forgot. We're going to list off all the dates of shows along with the date and time of ticket sales and we hope that you're going to come out and see us, because we want to see you."

"We're all going to be starting some cool projects after we finish up the tour. What are your plans boys?" Louis asked.

"Well Harry and I are going to be starting up our own record label." Liam spoke and I nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to be a coach on The Voice, Ireland, and I think my wife and I are going to be starting up a cooking show maybe. That one is still in the works."

"I don't have anything set really quite yet. I'm probably going to do a lot of art, and I'm thinking about maybe going back to uni." Zayn told the camera, and I didn't even know about the uni part.

"And I'm going to be playing a bit of football, and we're all going to be doing some song writing as well aren't we boys?"

"Yep!" Niall grinned, "We'll probably have writing sessions together and stuff. And it's not like we aren't going to be friends anymore."

"Yeah, like I could get rid of them." Liam rolled his eyes, "besides we all live just a few minutes from each other."

"Plus all of our families are growing and we'd like them to get the chance to grow up at home, and we would like to be there to see that happen." I said.

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