The One Direction Family

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A/n: Got some mixed reviews on who you wanted this chapter's point of view to be in, so with no further ado here's the next chapter in Kiersten and Niall's point of view. Also, thank you to the anon who gave me the idea. I hated it at first but it grew on me. POV are bolded since they change a lot.


"Paul, Kiersten's just gone into labor." I told him not quite frantically, but rushed enough to let him know that this wasn't something to take lightly.

"Okay, how's she doing?" He asked and I could hear him shuffling around and talking to people in the background.

I looked over at Kiersten and saw her packing a bag for the triplets while we were at the hospital. I watched with a worried expression as she clenched her fist around a stuffed toy before letting it go and taking a deep breath. "Doing okay, babe?" I asked.

"Yeah." She nodded keeping her breathing steady, "The contractions are still really far apart. We've got a while."

"She says she's good and that the contractions are still far apart, so the baby isn't going to fall out anytime soon." I relayed to Paul over the phone.

"The baby doesn't fall out, Niall." Zayn laughed from where he was seated on the floor. He was building tunnels and ramps with blocks and toys that the boys had lying around and then he would make the rabbits go through them or down them. It was his job to keep the boys entertained while all of the arrangements were made.

"Okay," Paul told me, "We're about half an hour away from the city where the show is. I'm going to call ahead to the hospital there and make sure that they have a room and a doctor prepared for you, along with an understanding of who the two of you are. Then we'll park the buses and we'll take Rovers over to the hospital then. Most of the other buses had to stop for gas so they're a ways behind us - we won't wait for them, we'll just go. Is anyone besides your immediate family and the driver on your bus?"

"Yeah, Zayn's here."

"I want to go to the hospital with you!" Zayn yelled.

"Okay, I heard him." Paul chuckled. "I'm going to call and arrange everything. Call me and let me know if anything changes, if not I'll see you in half an hour."

"Okay, thanks Paul." I said hanging up the phone. I grabbed a bottle of water for Kiersten and handed it to her, "Do you need anything babe? Are you hungry, dizzy, anything?"

"No I'm okay. Maybe we should try and explain it to them?" She asked nodding to the triplets who were sitting on the floor with Zayn still playing with the rabbits.

"Yeah," I nodded in agreement and sat down next to her. "Hey monkeys." I said getting their attention, "Can you come over here please? Mummy and I want to talk to you."

"What daddy?" Callum asked climbing up onto Kiersten's lap while Reilly and Bubba climbed onto mine. Zayn quietly left us alone and put the rabbits away.

"You know how your brother is in my tummy?" Kiersten asked and they nodded. "Well he's going to come out soon. So Mommy is going to go see the doctor and he's going to make sure that your brother gets here okay. Do you understand?"

"Tickers?" Reilly asked knowing that whenever they see the doctor they get stickers.

"Yeah, maybe you'll get stickers." Kiersten chuckled.

Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now