First Birthday

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"What should we do for the boys' birthday?" I asked Niall while we were eating dinner one night in early December.

"Strippers." He said with a nod before giving Callum more mashed potatoes.

"Yeah, okay." I rolled my eyes.

""Do they make strippers for babies?" He asked seemingly seriously.

"No, they don't." I laughed, "But seriously what should we do?"

"Well their birthday is the twenty-first right?" He asked and I just glared at him. If he forgot the date that his children were born on I was going to wring his neck, "Yeah the twenty-first, and we leave for Wisconsin on the twenty-third."

"Yeah, I know. So should we have a party here with all of our friends and then another with our families in Wisconsin?"

"Yeah that sounds good." He shrugged obviously not caring.

"This is important Niall!" I pouted, "It's their first birthday."

"Yeah, that they have a zero percent chance of remembering."

"Well, it's important for us too." I glared.

"It's important to me too." He promised kissing my cheek.

"What are we going to do for their party. It needs a theme or something."

"I don't know babe. Shit, that's your job."

"Swear jar." I said rolling my eyes, "You really need to be more careful, NI. They're going to start talking soon and they're going to repeat everything you say. They idolize you."

"I know, I know." He said tapping his foot against mine, "But how funny would it be if one of their first words was a swear word?"

"It wouldn't be funny at all!" I said kicking him in the shin making him wince and grab it in pain. I felt bad for a millisecond but then I remember what he said and didn't care anymore, "And if that does happen, I'm going to make you explain to Nan why her great-grandson's first word is the f-word." I said and his face paled a little bit at the thought of having to explain that to his grandma.

"So a theme, huh?" He asked quickly changing the subject.

"Yeah, I was thinking like superheroes. You and the boys can even dress up. Give Liam a chance to use his Batman costume." I said taking the carrot bits away from Callum since all he was doing was throwing them on the floor and laughing while Caesar ate them. "And you know Louis will be Iron Man since he's got that stupid light up suit and all. Harry can be superman and Zayn can be like the Flash or something."

"What about me?"

"Aww, baby, you would make a cute Robin." I said giving him a smile. "Your legs would look cute in tights." I said making him glare at me.

"Are you going to dress up?" He asked and bit his lip, "I'm thinking a nice little Wonder Woman costume." He said running his hand up and down my thigh.

"Alright ya horndog." I said pushing his hand away. "And no, I'm not being Wonder Woman. Maybe I'll wear a t-shirt or something."

"Fine, but I'm not being Robin."

"I don't care what you are as long as you wear tights." I said winking at him before getting up and getting a wet rag for the three messy baby faces.

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