Styles' Weekend

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"Harry," Samie said her eyes wide as she grabbed my arm, "I think I might be pregnant."

I stared at her this wasn't how I had planned Samie and I having kids. Samie had a huge case coming up and while I wasn't doing anything with One Direction at that very moment by the time that it was critical for me to be around Samie and when the baby would come I would be. I would probably be extremely busy.

I took a deep breath calming myself down. It was evident that Samie was freaking out so I had to be the calm one. "Alright, well, we'll call and make an appointment with your doctor and then we'll go in and get everything checked out, so we know for sure okay?" I said smoothing her hair back. She nodded and continued brushing her teeth before we went back to bed. She fell asleep quickly but I couldn't keep my mind from racing. I was the only one in the band who didn't have a kid and I was excited with the possibility of having a mini me or Samie running around. I had always wanted kids, and while it probably wasn't the prime time for Samie to be pregnant, I couldn't help but be excited.

I got up a few hours later and headed into the studio. Samie had gone into work on the case an hour or so before I left, which was normal.

"Hey mate." Niall grinned from where he was shoving what looked like McDonalds into his mouth on the couch in the studio.

"Hey how're the boys?" I asked plopping down next to him.

"Good. They were all curled up with Kiersten when I left this morning." He chuckled polishing off his breakfast and tossing the wrappers into the garbage can. "Nothing but net!" He cheered.

"She going to be okay by herself now that your mum is gone?" I asked.

Niall nodded, "We're only in here for a little bit more and El's over there with her now. It's going to work out."

"Not that El can be much of a help," Louis piped up walking into the room with a cup of Starbucks in his hand.

"Yeah, but she's there just to hold one or whatever Kiersten needs. She doesn't have to be able to do much. The support is enough." Niall said with a shrug.

"Tomlinson booth!" The studio director called and Louis nodded taking a sip of water before heading into the booth.

"Are you and K doing better then?" I asked.

Niall gave me a sideways glance before nodding curtly. "Yep." He said obviously not wanting to talk about it.

"Just asking. Sorry."

He sighed, "It's just that I felt like I was being a bad dad and a bad husband by acting like that." He said twirling his snapback around his head.

"You're both stressed out. It's understandable if you snap at each other." I shrugged. Niall just nodded, obviously not wanting to talk about it any further.

After the studio I decided to stop by the Horan's and see how Kiersten and the little munchkins were doing. I followed Niall into his driveway and then in through the garage, "It's quiet. It's weird" Niall said slipping his shoes off. "They must be sleeping." He mumbled and we walked around the house looking in the all the possible places that they could have been.

We eventually found Kiersten, Calum, Reilly, and Bubba in the nursery all curled up on the large wicker seat under the window fast asleep. Kiersten had a book resting on her chest and Niall and I could only find two babies, Reilly and Bubba. I carefully lifted up the book and chuckled when I saw Calum curled up in a little lump on Kiersten's chest. "Found him."

Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now