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A/N: VERY IMPORTANT: This chapter starts a week before the last chapter ended. Also, it's only about half the length of normal chapters. sorry.


"Alright it's almost done." The tattoo artist said as he worked on my latest tattoo. "It looks great." He said carefully wiping away some of the ink on my chest. "Let me just get a picture of it and then I'll wrap it up for you."

"Thanks mate." I told him slipping my shirt back on and paying him for the tattoo after he was finished wrapping it up. It was mine and Samie's first anniversary and I had just gotten a tattoo for her. It was the first one I had gotten for her which seemed ridiculous, but I wanted to make sure that whatever I got for her was really special. It was going to be a surprise, since I hadn't told her that I was getting it. It was part of her anniversary present.

I headed back to the venue where we were having our show that night. I wasn't exactly thrilled to have to perform on the night of my first wedding anniversary. But Samie understood that I didn't really have a say in the matter so we were going to get dinner after the show.

I jumped around on stage singing to the crowd in Manchester. I laughed as I watched Liam and Zayn tackle Niall to floor. Everything about performing with the boys was pretty much the same as it was when we first started out. The only difference was that it took us a little bit longer to get up then it did in years past. We really were starting to get old. The crowd was amazing and I could swear that they got better and better each time. We had been performing for almost eight years and every night was just as exciting as the night before.

We finished the concert out and the boys and I walked backstage where our families were waiting. I wrapped my arms around Samie's waist, kissing her cheek. "Gross. You're all sweaty." She said pushing me away. "Hurry up and go get changed so we can go to dinner. I'm starving."

"Yes ma'am." I said giving her a quick kiss before running towards the dressing room. I took the plastic wrap off of my tattoo, knowing that it had been on there plenty long. Besides all of my moving around on stage and moved it around and made it bunch up. I pulled on a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a blazer before I put on my favorite boots. I spritzed on some cologne and ruffled my hair before checking myself over in the mirror.

I stepped back out into the main lounge area and laughed when I saw Niall laying on the floor and Zayn and Liam helping Callum, Reilly, and Bubba attack him. The three babies were laughing like crazy and it had everyone else in the room laughing as well.

"You guys going out for dinner?" Eleanor asked from where she was sitting on a couch watching Louis feed Parker.

"Yeah, where's she at?" I asked noticing that Samie wasn't in the room.

"She's getting ready across the hall." Kiersten told me from where she was nervously watching Liam, Zayn, and Niall play with her boys. "Don't hurt them please." She said biting her nails but the boys on the floor just ignored her.

"Alright, well we probably won't see you guys till tomorrow. So have a good night." I said waving a little bit.

"Bye uwncle Hawwy." Poppy said waving at me from where her Elise, Xara, and Aurora were snuggled on a couch in the corner of the room watching The Little Mermaid.

"Bye, cutie pies." I said bending over to kiss each of their heads.

"Tell Samie I said bye." Mason said looking up from where he was diligently working on reading a story with Nora's help.

Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now