Big Day of Fun

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A/N: sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry for the update being so late. But this chapter is LONG. And I really like it so here we go! Feedback is always amazing! (:


"Who's ready for nap time? Mommy is." I asked pushing the boys' stroller down the hallway to our hotel room. We had gone to the park for the day with Eleanor and her girls since Louis and Niall were doing interviews all day together, and we were all pooped. Plus, the boys were covered head to toe with dirt. That wasn't much of a surprise though. Just like their dad they were boys through and through. Which always meant dirt and messes.

It was now June and I was quite pregnant with only about a month and a half left of my pregnancy. It was hot in America, were the boys were on tour. It was especially hot since the boys had been playing a lot of shows in the South and I was constantly uncomfortable and sweating. I was ready to pop that baby out, but I didn't want to deal with a fourth premature baby so I was willing to wait. "Maybe will take a nice cool bath in our swim suits in that giant bathtub you guys think is so cool before we take a nap." The boys had been getting stuck inside of it, constantly. They could get in it but not out of it. I slid the key card into the door and unlocked it, holding the door open with my butt so I could pull the stroller inside.

I heard a weird noise coming from the bedroom so I quickly let the boys out of the stroller and set them up with some blocks in the living room area of our suite before going to investigate.

What I found was something that I didn't ever think that I would have to see. There was my husband in bed with another woman. I absorbed every detail of the scene in front of me through blurry tear filled eyes. From the way that she was on top of him with her long pink hair cascading down her bare back. To the way that his large hands, that held our children, rested firmly on her slim, much slimmer than my own, hips. Or the way that the familiar moans, the ones that I thought I was the only one to hear, filled the air.

It was probably a good solid minute before I made and noise and Niall noticed immediately, quickly shoving the mystery girl off of him and jumping off the bed. He wrapped the sheet around his waist and rushed towards me. I quickly started backing away not wanting him to be anywhere near me or our child that I had growing inside of me. "I-I'm going to go. A-and take the boys." I mumbled quickly wiping away the tears that had fallen.

"Kiersten, baby I didn't- it didn't-Please," He put his hand on my arm as he struggled to find his words. I jumped away from him as his wedding ring felt like it was burning into my skin. I looked behind him to see if I recognized the mystery girl and was shocked to see Demi giving me an evil smile.

I jolted awake feeling tears streaming down my face and my heart racing. I tried to calm my breathing down as I looked around the bedroom on the tour bus. My eyes landed on Niall as he slept soundly next to me. I started nudging him and he finally woke up.


I woke up to someone nudging and me looked up to see Kiersten with tear stained cheeks. "Babe? Are you crying?" I asked sitting up and pulling her to my chest. "What's wrong?" I asked and she just kept crying into my shoulder. "Did you have another nightmare?" I asked and she nodded. One thing that Kiersten was experiencing in her second pregnancy that she didn't with the triplets was nightmares. She had quite a few nightmares back when we were dating, but they got better with time. Unfortunately they came back not long after she found out she was pregnant.

Kiersten sniffed and pulled away from me, "I walked into our hotel room. A-and you were in bed fucking Demi Lovato!" She cried.

"Well that sounds like a worse nightmare for me than for you." I said combing my fingers through her hair. "You know that would never happen, babe." I promised kissing her forehead. "I love you more than anything. You've got nothing to worry about, yeah?" I asked softly rubbing her back. "Come on let's get back to sleep." I said laying down and letting her lie down next to me. I continued to rub her back as she snuggled closer to me.

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