Just The Beginning

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"Alright boys now you just lay here and be good for mommy, while she tries to clean up this messy house and get other stuff done, yeah?" I said setting the boys down on a blanket in the living room. I handed them each a toy so they could shake it around a little bit, but made sure that they were far enough away from each other that they didn't hit each other with their toys. Bubba was known to get a little crazy with his rattle. Caesar came over and plopped his giant body down next to them. He was so protective over them, it was almost annoying. If one of them was crying he was right under my feet trying to figure out what was wrong. I loved that he was there and loved them so much but I had almost dropped a baby on multiple occasions because he was standing right next to me. It wasn't like I could trip on him; he was way too big for that. It was more a running smack into him and lurching forward, really.

I was home alone with the boys since Niall had an important meeting with Modest! Management and Simon, but I was getting more and more used to being alone with the three little cuties.

I patted Caesar's head before getting up off the floor and going into the kitchen. I fed all the animals, then brushed the cats, and then brushed Nando. I didn't brush Caesar though, that was Niall's job since Caesar was so big and he didn't particularly like being brushed. I wasn't strong enough to be able to hold him down and brush him either. His undercoat would come off not much later, and that was not something that I was looking forward too. There would be a pile of black fur almost as big as Caesar himself. "Frank!" I called and the little pig came trotting into the kitchen. "Come on buddy, bath time." I said and he looked at me before turning around and walking the other way. "Frank," I groaned at the stubborn pig and followed him into the living room where he quickly hid behind Caesar. "Caesar may be big Frank, but I still know you're there." I said kneeling down on the ground. I was going to grab him but got distracted by a smiling Bubba, "Hi baby boy," I grinned making him smile back at me even bigger. "Alright I have to get to work. I can't spend all my time playing with you even though I want to." I said bending down and giving each of them a kiss. In one swift motion I scooped Frank up and walked into the kitchen. I put him in the sink and he snorted at me unhappily, "Oh shut it you only get a bath once a month, it's not even that bad. But we are doing your hooves today, too." I said squirting some baby shampoo onto the soft bristle brush that we used to clean him. He snorted at me again and I just rolled my eyes and gently starting scrubbing him clean.

After his bath I took an emery board and gently filed down his hooves, which he was not too happy about. After that I did some dishes and laundry; the laundry had practically doubled since the triplets came along, making it take even longer to do.

I had just finished feeding the boys and was laying them down for a nap when I heard Niall come home. I could hear him moving around but I could tell something was wrong since he didn't call for me or try to come and find me right away. I walked downstairs and found him in the kitchen with his hands on the counter facing away from me. I could see his whole body shaking, and I knew that something had happened at the meeting. "Ni?" I asked quietly.

He spun around and before I knew what was happening he yanked me into his body burying his face in my neck. I could feel tears hitting my skin and I just wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and held him tightly. After knowing and loving him for six years I knew exactly what it took to calm him down. I gently rubbed his back with one hand while I played with the hair on the back of his neck, the way that he likes it.

"What's wrong baby?" I whispered after a few minutes of just holding him.

"It's ending." He mumbled.

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