The Maliks

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A/N: Meh. This sucks. I'm sorry. I just wanted to get something up for you guys. If you guys could be voting for the chapters and commenting on them I would really appreciate it :)


I fidgeted with my tie in the mirror as I stood with Mason, Aurora, and Xara waiting for my cue to go outside for the wedding. "Do we look okay daddy?" Xara asked getting my attention by tugging on my sleeve. I looked them over ( and grinned.

"You guys looked perfect." I said leaning down and kissing each of their heads.

"Zayn!" Niall screamed running into the room, "Are you ready yet mate?" He asked looking into the room. "Tootie and Aurora you need to go over with the girls now. Give your daddy a hug." He said and my girls quickly wrapped their arms around me before running around Niall and down the hall.

"Is it really time?" I asked and Niall nodded pulling Mason and I out the door.

I met my parents at the door that lead us outside to where the ceremony was starting and peeked outside looking at the large group of people gathered to see Nora and I get married. "You ready for this mate?" Ant, my best man, asked slapping my back.

"Yeah." I nodded feeling confident. I knew that marrying Nora was what I wanted more than anything.

"Good, come on, Mason, you can come stand by me." He said leading the blonde haired boy away.

"Hi mum." I smiled kissing her cheek.

"Hi baby." She smiled touching my cheek, "I can't believe you're getting married, my baby boy is getting married."

"Mum," I groaned, wiping away one of her tears before hugging my dad.

"Okay ready?" Caroline asked. Caroline Watson was running the show, basically. She was in charge of making sure that everyone was where they needed to be and that everything went along smoothly. "And go." She said giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. My mum hooked her arm in mine and my dad walked along side me as we made our way up to the front. I kissed my mum's cheek and shook my dad's hand as they made their way to the front row of chairs. The garden of the venue that we had picked was absolutely beautiful. All of the guests were sat in white chairs on either side of a long white aisle that lead up to a large white arch that was covered in peach and white flowers. The grounds that we were on were also extremely beautiful. The grass was green and there were large willow trees in the background, Nora had done a very good job.

I watched as Samie and Harry made their way down the aisle together. The bridesmaids all looked beautiful in peach dresses that matched the rest of the wedding décor. (

The rest of the wedding party made their way down the aisle all shooting me bright smiles, but the more that came down the aisle the more nervous and fidgety I got. By the time that Nora's sister, Mel, and Ant made their way down the aisle I was practically shaking in my shoes. "Calm down." Liam chuckled moving over to stand next to me. "What the hell are you even freaking out for anyway? You know this is what you want, how many times have you told me that?" He whispered in my ear. "I better get back to my spot before Caroline shoots me." He laughed before sliding back over to his spot between Niall and Liam. After Mel and Ant took their places Mason, Aurora and Xara made their way down the aisle. We had talked about having all of the One Direction kids make their way down the aisle, but we figured that alone would probably take more than an hour. The kids were very easily distracted and we knew that something crazy would happen if all eleven went down the aisle.

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