Chapter 9 - Making plans

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As soon as they walked away, Max came up to me and put a hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?' He said with a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah I'm fine, I don't give a shit what Ken and Barbie think of me." I reply lying through my teeth for the first part but ending on a very truthful note.

The thing is I care way too much what he thinks of me, and I wish I didn't but that's just how it is. And as much as I wish that I could act on my feelings, I know I would just be putting not only myself in danger but him and my family as well. If we are exposed for what we really are we would have to move on even  sooner than usual, and I don't know why its different this time around, but I REALLY don't want to leave. And there is no way anyone can know I am a shifter, let alone that he is my mate.

Max looks at me doubtfully, not completely believing my lies, but he drops it anyway, "Okay whatever you say, but you know if you need someone to talk to you can always come to me right?"

"Yeah I know, thanks Max." I smile, before giving him a hug.

"Hey I know this is kind of off topic, but I was wondering if you wanted to do something this weekend? I really need to get my mind off some things and you are the perfect person to help me do that." I say, pulling out of the hug, but keeping my arms wrapped around his waist.

"Do you mean like on a date?" He replied.

I thought about and figured why not? Don't I deserve to be happy just this once, and just enjoy the, somewhat, freedom of being a teenager, "Sure, like on a date." I replied with a smile.

He gave me a huge, goofy grin, before stepping away and bowing before me, "It would be my honour to escort you out milady." He said before linking his arm through mine, and walking me to one of the classes I shared with Raven, while Vince did the same. And once the boys had dropped us off they both went off to their own classes.


As usual the morning classes went by so incredibly slow, so when the bell rang at the end of third period signalling my lunch and hour of freedom, I was one of the first ones out the door. As I passed the desks on the way out, I tried my hardest to ignore the looks Noah had been shooting me all lesson. I grabbed Raven's arm, and dragged her out the door with me, and was pleasantly surprised to find both Vince and Max waiting for us at the door.

As soon as they saw us, Vince grabbed Raven and cut off her cussing, directed at me no doubt for dragging her behind me, with one swift kiss, while Max was a little more hesitant, so he simply wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a peck on the cheek.

Just as he did this I saw Noah turn his head towards me as he walked out of the classroom with Barbie trailing behind him. He let out a very low growl, that it appeared only I had heard, and I noticed his hands were balled up into fists, with his knuckles turning white.

 I turned my focus away from him, and instead smiled up at Max, although it seemed that he too had noticed Noah's behaviour.

"Seriously what is his problem? Do you guys have a secret love affair going on that I should know about?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

To be honest his guess was pretty close but there was no way I was about to let him know that, "No! Of course not. I mean anyone who willingly chooses to be with someone like Barbie over there, does not deserve even a second of attention from a smart, intellegent, independent woman like myself." I said with a grin.

"You forgot to mention gorgeous, and beautiful, and totally sexy." He said touching his forehead to mine.

"Nah I'll just settle for the first 3." I replied pulling back and poking my tongue out at him. But the next thing I know he has grabbed my tongue between his fingers and starts laughing at me as I try to talk.

"Macths! huath ahh sooo dooink?" Trying to wiggle my way out of his grasp, and sounding like a retard everytime I laughed.

In the end Max was laughing so hard, that he eventually let go and fell to the ground laughing.

"That was so not amusing." I said, putting my hands on my hips and staring at him laughing away on the ground.

He finally sobered up and stood up, before wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes, "Yes it was, and you know it." he replied before linking his arm in mine and leading me to the cafeteria.

But as we started walking away, I noticed that Noah had already left while Max and I were mucking around, and the absence of his presence left me with an unwelcome sad, hollow feeling.

Ugh why do I feel like this? Why do I even care what he thinks? Why do even the smallest rejections hurt so much? I can't let myself feel like this, or else I will only make it harder for myself and more dangerous for the people I care about.

Before I knew it, we had reached the cafeteria and were already making our way towards 'our' table, right on the outskirts of the cafeteria, and luckily for me far away from the 'popular table'.

The rest of the day passed really quickly and pretty much like this: Noah continuously giving me this confusing look, that was somewhere between a death glare mixed with what looked like longing, whenever he saw me before turning away when I noticed him, messing around with Max and avoiding looking at Vince and Raven who appear to be surgically attached at the mouth, before finally it was time to go home. 

Weekend here I come!

Since we had our last class together, gym, Max walked me out to my car.

"Hey so about this weekend...." He started.

I looked over at him, "Yess...?"

"Um... well... how does dinner and a movie sound for tomorrow night?" He finished.

"Dinner and a movie sounds great." I said, an excited smile lighting up my face.

"Great! Awesome. I'll pick you up at 7pm on the dot." He said an identical smile lighting up his face as well.

"Okay I'll see you at 7 then."

"Yepp 7 it is."

"Haha okay seeya Max." I said, before giving him a kiss on the cheek and sliding into my car.

I watched him walk away, and I swear I saw him almost skipping over to his car.

I laughed to myself, shaking my head, "Oh Max." Before reversing and driving home.


Okay first of all I just wanted to thank everyone who has read this story because since I posted the last chapter (which I know was a while ago :S) this story has reached over 1500 reads!! I got so excited when I saw it :P

Anyway sorry for the shortness of this chapter but after being away for so long I just wanted to get something up, so yes this is kind of just a filler chapter, but the next chapter will be set at home, so you will get to officially meet her Mum and brother!! Get excited :P I haven't started writing it yet but I have to get to work, so thats all from me for now :)

Until next time :) 

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