Chapter 19 Five Dollar Foot Longs & Katy Perry Songs

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Chapter 19
Five Dollar Foot Longs & Katy Perry Songs

As I looked at the view before me I let out a breath, it was my favorite place on the entire campus and I loved it. The scenery given on our school's rooftop was completely breathtaking. The ledge was about three feet high so I tended to put my elbows on top of it and look at whatever seemed interesting at the moment.

The rooftop. My favorite place to escape. Ever since freshman year when I discovered the door was always left unlocked, I had spent some of my lunch hours up here. Of course I had gotten stuck up here a few times but I still did it anyways.

"Haley?" someone's faint voice sounded.

Taking out my left headphone I looked towards the door that led up to my hideout.

"Oh my gosh! I was so worried because you weren't downstairs! And then I remembered you're usually with Jared so I asked him where you were and he didn't know either. So I thought, hm, where else do you usually go and so I went up here. Because you usually come up here, why wouldn't you and I-" Stella rambled on as she made her way over to the area of the ledge I was at.

"Stella!" I interrupted "Breathe, breathe."

She breathed in and out after her long rambling session, when she made it over to me. Then she had a quick re-cap moment, "Wait, why were you up here anyways? You only come up here when you're upset-Was it Jared? I swear to god I'm going to kill him!" she said quite angrily at the end.

"It wasn't that. I just wanted to be alone." I lied.

I just wanted to get away from Jared. I didn't even know what we were anymore. Were we a couple, enemies, friends? I just didn't know anymore. It was like we had these meaningful moments at times, argued for a bit, got along perfectly, and then he would just not talk to me. It wasn't like he was mad at me or something right? Honestly? I didn't know, I mean I kind of had this empty feeling without talking to Jared everyday. Maybe, and just maybe, I might've started liking him.

"Okay.." she replied, clearly not convinced at my answer.

After a couple seconds of silence between us. Stella asked, "Hey, what are you listening to?"

"Oh, the playlist Jessica made me." I answered.

"Ooh! Let me listen!" She said taking the left headphone that was still unplugged and put it in her ear.

"Cause you're hot then you're cold.

You're yes then you're no.

You're in then you're out.

You're up then you're down.

You're wrong when it's right.

It's black and it's white.

We fight, we break up.

We kiss, we make up."

Stella took it out of her ear and looked at me with a smile, "You know, this song is just like you and Jared."

"What?" I asked turning over to her.

"We fight, we break up. We kiss, we make up," she simply replied.

"And that is similar to us in that?" I asked.

Did she know Jared and I kissed..? I should've told her. I felt really guilty right now, I mean she was my best friend.

"You guys always fight, but eventually you guys make up. And this happens over and over and over and over," she replied dragging on the over and over part a bit long.

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