Chapter 13 Double Dates & Something She Hates

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Chapter 13
Double Dates & Something She Hates

After the night of the party, it had been nearly three weeks since I'd talked to Jared. I just hated how he would kiss me and then shut me out. It made me just so mad, I couldn't possibly get answers from this boy. He did however, join us at lunch again. Which was awkward considering he made minimal coversation with me.

I hadn't updated Stella on anything about Jared and I. She never asked so I had no obligation. I just felt guilty, a lot.

We were at lunch and I was busy picking at my salad when I got a text, it was from my cousin, Rebecca. Taking out my phone I opened the message.

To Haley:
Guess what??

To Rebecca:

To Haley:
I'm coming over this weekend!!

To Rebecca:
Yay! Can't wait!!

"Who were you texting?" Stella asked. "Secret boyfriend?" And with that word, Jared nearly choked.

"You okay?" Brandon asked Jared and slapping his back.

"Yeah, fine." Jared said coughing a bit.

"Okay then." I said.

"So who was it?" Stella asked.

"Rebecca." I said casually.

"Really? Is she coming over?" Stella asked excitedly.

"Yep, this weekend!" I said.

"Awesome!" Stella said.

"Who's that?" Brandon asked.

"Haley's cousin." Jared answered after finishing a gulp of his soda.

"How do you know that?" Stella asked looking at Jared questioningly.

"The wedding remember." I reminded her of the event where all five of us had been at for my Uncle Clark's wedding.

"And she punched me." Jared pointed out.

"It was funny." I said recalling the memory.

"Not for me, I still have a bruise on my arm." Jared said.

"Come on! It's Friday!" Stella whined.

"I have tons of homework to do!" I said.

"No you don't, you kept bragging about having no homework to Jared earlier." she pointed out.

"I don't remember talking to Jared." I said slowly.

"Whatever, I looked through your planner. Now come on!" Stella whined.

"Extra credit?" I tried.

"Come on! Movie night!" Stella said.

"Ugh, fine." I said.

"Yes!" she cheered.

"Wait, we're going to the movies!?" I yelled.

"Well, duh, it's not called movie night for nothing." she said.

"B-But I thought we were staying at your house to watch movies." I said.

"There's not fun in that." she pouted as she put on her earrings.

"Now go get ready!"

"I'm ready." I said looking at myself in the mirror.

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