Chapter 14 Screaming Cousins & Easy Bake Ovens

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Dedication to PaintingPastelClouds for being the first person to comment! <3

Chapter 14

Screaming Cousins & Easy Bake Ovens

Taking the headphones from my ears I unlocked the front door.

"Hey Hales," someone said as I closed the door.

I screamed and ran into Rebecca's arms. The last time I saw her was a year ago, and video chatting on eQuipps isn't exactly the same thing.

As I mentioned before, Rebecca is my cousin. She looks pretty similar to me but is a bit curvier and lacks a bit of height compared to me. She is also a couple of months younger than me, not to brag or anything.

"Oh my gosh! How are you?" I asked, releasing her.

"Good how about you?" she said and let out a squeal. "Oh my gosh I missed you so much!"

"Can you stop screaming?" Stella said, as she walked into the room, wearing sweatpants and a tank top with a serious case of bed head.

"Hey Stella, long time no see!" Rebecca said running over to hug her.

"Yeah, hey Rebecca," Stella said.

"Well if you'll excuse me I'm just going to take a shower now, so.." I said walking down the hallway and into my room.

Dropping off my gym bag, I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After my shower I squeezed my hair with a towel and hung it over my bedroom door. I walked back into the living room to see Rebecca chatting with Stella sitting on the chocolate colored couch in the center of the room.

"Oh my gosh, Hales, it's official I want to move to LA!" Stella said as I walked in.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well I could become famous, bump into famous people, and well Rebecca lives there!" Stella said.

"You can become Youtube famous," I pointed out as I sat down next to Stella.

"Nah, leave it to the pros to do that," she waved off.

"So, what's up with you and Jared?" Rebecca asked.

"What about him?" I asked, moving all of my hair to the right side of my face.

"Are you guys going out yet?" Rebecca asked excitedly.

"Eww? Jared? And I? Gross!" I yelled and started to braid my hair in a loose side braid.

"Oh please, last time I was here, you guys couldn't take each other's hands off another!" Rebecca said.

Stella looked at me with wide eyes.

"No, it wasn't like that. Jared just-" I began to talk but was cut off by the sound of a doorbell.

"Oh, I'll get it! I think it's the pizza!" my mom said running over to the door with two twenty dollar bills.

"Oh," she said when the door revealed a Jared.

Tying up my hair I looked to the doorway.

"Oh? Should I leave?" Jared asked holding a pan of something with tin foil covering it.

"No, oh honey it's okay. Haley, your boyfriend's here!" my mom called.

Stella and Rebecca looked at me with questioning looks, "He's not my boyfriend!" I yelled.

"Actually I am, hey babe," Jared said kissing my cheek.

Suddenly cheeks felt scorching hot. "No, no you're not."

"Told you they liked each other," Stella nudged Rebecca.

"Ugh, shut up!" I said.

"Look she's blushing! How cute!" Rebecca said poking my side.

"Stop!" I yelled and covered my burning cheeks.

"Oh, really, then I guess I didn't bring these brownies for my girlfriend," Jared said.

"Love you too, babe!" I said taking the tray of chocolatey goodness from him.

He rolled his eyes and sat down.

"Hey, Team Jaley!" Stella said.

Jared and I both looked at Stella,"What?" We said at the same time.

"That was so cute!" Rebecca gushed.

"What was so-" I was cut off by the sound of my phone.

@the_stella_drayton tagged you in a photo

Jared's phone also went off and had the same notification.

Looking at Stella with a confused face I unlocked my phone.

My eQuipps feed loaded and I was greeted by a picture of Jared and I looking confused.

The caption, you ask?

#TeamJaley @haleywillms__ & @notjaredhousley

"Really Stella?" I said looking up from my phone.

"Hey don't forget to read the photo creds!" Rebecca said.

Photo Creds to: @thatgirlyouhate238

That's Rebecca's username for ya.

Taking the tin foil off of the tray I took a brownie out.

Eating the chocolatey dessert it slowly went from a yummy dessert to something indescribably gross.

Grabbing a napkin I spit it out.

"Ew, what did you do to them? Bake them in an Easy Bake Oven?" I asked.

"Maybe.." Jared said.

"Jared!" I yelled slapping his arm.

"My mom left for Japan for a photography gig and she said not to use the oven so I went in the basement and found a box that said 'Haley's Stuff'." Jared explained.

Jared's mom is a photographer. But she has to travel a lot. Which means that his mom is hardly home. Well my parents are too. That's one of the reasons why I hang out with Jared so much. My mom's a nurse who has the late shift so she makes dinner and leaves for work. And since our mom's are like the best of friends, we were stuck at one of our houses during the week with an aunt or a babysitter when we were kids.

"Anyways I figured I could look in there and see what kind of useless junk you left at my house. And I found your old Easy Bake Oven." Jared said.

"Why brownies?" I asked.

"Well, I found some brownie mix in the box too so I have no idea how old they are.." Jared said running a hand through his hair.

"Old brownies, yum." I said nodding my head slowly.

"Hey at least I tried!" Jared defended himself.

"As funny as this is, I think we should stop this argument before you two start ripping each other's heads off," Stella interrupted.

"Funny," Jared said sarcastically.

"Very," I said.

"They agree on something!" Stella gushed.

"Is this like impossible?" I asked.

"Well it's pretty rare," Rebecca agreed.

"And that's coming from someone who's not always around you guys," Stella pointed out.

"Some friends you got there," Jared said.

"Mhm," I said.

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