Chapter 32 Good Moods & Healthy Foods

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Chapter 32

Good Moods & Healthy Foods

Waking up, I was smiling instantly. It seemed pretty cliche but all I wanted to do right now was to run over to Jared and just be near him. His presence just made me a happy person, I don't know I guess I just sound overly cheesy right now but hey, what's a pizza without extra cheese?

Smelling a familiar delicious smell of something I couldn't put my finger on, I got out of bed and decided to look for Jared.

Okay my conscience has a bad attitude today.

As I walked downstairs I started to brush through my hair with my hands. Realizing what I was doing, I immediately stopped. Why was I really being self conscious?

Shaking my head, I found Stella and Brandon laughing as they ate hashbrowns and breakfast sandwiches. Looking at the nearby paper bag I immediately knew that it was McDonalds.

Okay so I liked the greasy junk food also known as unhealthy crap. Sue me, I had good taste buds.

"Toss me a hashbrown!" I said sliding on the floor in my socks, and Brandon threw me one.

"Yes!" I said as I unwrapped the yellow wrapper and started chewing the fried shredded potatoes.

Sitting down to the right of Stella she continued her conversation with Brandon.

"That's healthy.." Rebecca trailed off as she walked in.

"It tastes good and I'm eating it." I said with a mouth full of grease and potato.

"Well then, I'm just going to grab my oatmeal and go to my room, you chicken killers." Rebecca said grabbing an almost empty bag full of oatmeal and a carton of milk.

Pouring in her healthy breakfast she grabbed a spoon and sat next to the left of Brandon.

Now, if you haven't noticed she's basically a vegetarian now. Probably because Danny's one too. And I only know this because Jared tried becoming one but gave up as soon as his mom made pot roast.

Secondly, she's in a better mood more often which is really cool because she likes to leave her room and stay off her laptop in the dark. Okay so maybe she still stays in her room on her laptop in the dark regardless, but not as much.

And lastly, Rebecca hasn't been smoking as much. I'm pretty happy about this one because I don't have to smell smoke when I open the window in the guest room! Well we're leaving today but still.

"Guess who?" someone said as they covered my eyes.

Spinning around on the chair I took Jared's hands off my eyes and I looked up, smiling and leaning in to kiss him.

"God, I'm living in a fucking teen romance book. You all get to live happily ever after, congratulations." Rebecca said before we had a second of silence to kiss.

Turning around, I stuck my tongue out at her.

She rolled her eyes and simply took her phone out. Smiling she tapped away on her phone and then placed it in front of her bowl of oatmeal sticking her tongue at the camera lense.

"Who's the selfie for?" Stella asked.

Jared walked over to the bag of greasy goods and took out a breakfast sandwich. As he walked back to where I was sitting he sat next to me.

"Her bae." I interrupted smiling at Rebecca.

"He's not my bae, he-" Rebecca began.

"So it's a he!" Stella said excitedly. "Who is he? Do I know him?"

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