Chapter 29 Hat Hair & I Don't Care

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Dedicated to the one and only KenzieRametta for scaring me because when you spammed me with votes, I had fifty-four notifications and it scared me so much. But it wasn't scary at all once I accidentally pressed it to see your lovely username all over the place (:

Chapter 29

Hat Hair & I Don't Care

"Everybody, and I mean everybody is leaving the house today!" I heard Stella call as she walked through the halls.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked at my phone and it was eight in the morning. Groaning, I shut my eyes. Hearing the door open, the sheets were ripped from my bed.

"Stella.." I said, not bothering to open my eyes.

"Time to get up!" she said.

"It's too early."

"I don't care." she replied.

"It's Monday." I groaned

"Which rhymes with fun day!" Stella said.

Sitting up, I covered my eyes from the bright light.

"I'm up, happy?" I said opening my eyes to find my best friend opening the curtains to bring in the light.

"Get dressed and meet me downstairs in twenty minutes!" she said and closed the door on her way out.

After getting dressed in a pair of light blue jean shorts and a loose fitting white top, I slipped on a pair of flip flops and began doing my make-up. When I was done I grabbed a small purse and tossed my phone and other neccesities inside as I jogged down the stairs to find Rebecca leaning against the kitchen counter typing away at her phone like always.

"Haley, think fast!" I heard someone call out from behind me.

Turning around I caught a helmet.

"What's this for?" I said as I looked up to find Stella.

"Well you and Rebecca probably don't want to go to the beach so I figured that you guys could just bike somewhere and be tourists." Stella shrugged.

"Well if we're biking, I'm not wearing a helmet." Rebecca said.

"Same," I agreed. "It's hot and this helmet will give me hat hair." I set the helmet on the kitchen counter.

"Ready to go?" Brandon asked as he walked down the stairs in his swim trunks and top on, with a towel in his hand.

"Yup," Stella said and she waved us goodbye before leaving.

"To the basement!" Rebecca said setting her phone down and opening a door.

Following her down the dimly lit staircase, she switched a light on and I followed her where she told me where the bikes were and we both grabbed our own.

Going out the back door we got on the bikes and I followed Rebecca to wherever touristy place she knew of.

After biking for probably ten or twenty minutes we pulled up to a busy area with various shops and retail stands. Getting off our bikes, we walked through the crowd with our bikes by our sides.

"Want to get some souveneirs to bring to your mom?" Rebecca asked as she slipped her sunglasses on.

"Haha, sure." I said as we walked around a couple of retail stands.

After settling with a key chain and a couple other useless things that said LA on them, I paid for them and tucked them in the front basket of the bike. As Rebecca and I walked down the road we found the beach and continued to walk.

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