Little Miss Sarcastic Secrets

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If you haven't read Little Miss Sarcastic, read that first and then this. Caution: Spoilers!

Little Miss Sarcastic Secrets

1. Originally Jared was supposed to be named Brandon but I couldn't figure out a ship name for Haley and Brandon. Plus can you even imagine a guy named Brandon with Jared's personality? Me either.

2. Originally Riley was supposed to be in the same grade as Stella and Haley. They were supposed to best friends but I decided to make her younger by a year and not as close to the girls to focus more on Haley's story. She's going to be more of an important character in the prequel focusing on Stella.

3. Originally Riley was supposed to end up with a guy named Jared, Stella was supposed to end up with a guy named James, and Haley with Brandon. But having two guys with similar names, Jared and James, was confusing so James kinda disappeared.

4. Originally since Haley and Jared make a nice ship name, Jaley; along with Stella and Brandon having a cute ship name, Brella; they got stuck together.

5. Originally I said that James disappeared in number three but I lied, coincidentally Rebecca's parents are named Marie and James. I guess unconsciously I chose the name James. I don't know.

6. Originally it was going to take a super long time for Jared and Haley to finally get together but I couldn't have this book being four thousand bazillion chapters long, now could I?

7. Originally I wanted to make this a love/hate type story but Haley and Jared always end up having a mutual friendship and don't exactly end up hating each other. Or at least Haley doesn't act like she hates Jared.

8. Originally Brandon was supposed to be a minor character but he is later used to tell Haley that Jared really likes her and to give him a chance. Brandon is very important in the prequel I'm going to write about how Stella and him got together.

9. Originally Haley and Jared were supposed to be the top students in the class, intellectually. But I decided against that because I'll be using that sort of story idea in another story I'm currently writing which is not published.

10. Originally Stella's story was supposed to be written first and Haley's story (Little Miss Sarcastic) was going to be the sequel. But I started writing the prequel and then got the idea for Little Miss Sarcastic. As I wrote Little Miss Sarcastic it felt easier to write so I decided to publish this story first.

11. Originally I did not plan out basically half of this story, it just kind of came to me. Let alone the characters, heck, why are Scott and Spencer in this story? Oh yeah, they're pretty important in the prequel I'm supposed to write (;

12. Originally I was going to have Haley and Jared get together earlier in the book buuuuuuut it's not that likely for a pair like them to get together that quickly.

13. Originally the storyline was supposed to be where Jared and Haley get together, get back to school and then Haley tells Cameron about her and Jared, Cameron gets jealous and then it's revealed that Cameron's liked Haley. But that would take forever to write. I mean why not give Jaley a break, they've been through tons of shit.

14. Originally in the story Jared and Haley were supposed to get into a fight a week before junior prom and Haley was supposed to vent to Cameron about how she really wanted to go to junior prom. Cameron was supposed to ask her to go with him, as a friend, and Haley was supposed to agree. On the night of prom, Cameron was supposed to end up having to comfort Stephanie because her mom was in the emergency room or some dramatic thing. Cameron was supposed to tell Haley he couldn't go and Haley was supposed to be fully dressed and ready for prom. Then Jared would ring the doorbell and take her to prom, so yeah, imagine that as an alternate ending. I decided not to have Cameron as such a major character since I wanted Haley and Jared to have less of a confusing relationship. Plus it'd be less confusing to write for me hahaha.

14. Here's a big secret, or better yet coincidence:

eQuipps comes from equipt, as in equipting friends. The e is just for kicks, like the i in iPhone because the letter e is the most used and most important letter ever.

Ironically Rebecca and Haley make a lot of quips. I'd consider definition one for Rebecca and definition two for Haley. The word quip, by definition meaning:

1. a clever or witty remark or comment.

2. a sharp, sarcastic remark; a cutting jest.

So the name eQuipps is quite ironic now. Especially because the two cousins make quips..a lot.

Oh yeah FYI eQuipps is some made up social media netweek I made up. It's easier than referencing Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Author's Note~

There's Jared's POV, thank you guys for helping me reach 100+ reads, 3k+ votes, and 500+ comments!

In terms of other characters in the story I'll be doing these things:

I have already published a one-shot of Cameron and Stephanie if ya wanna read it, it's in my one-shot collection 'Sparklers and Such'.



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