Chapter 27 Through the Crowd & Nowhere to Be Found

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Chapter 27

Through the Crowd & Nowhere to be Found

"What?" I asked.

"It's What the Weather Wants!!" Stella screamed as she jumped up and down.

"What the - oh." I said in realization of who the band was.

What the Weather Wants was a band that Stella really liked, which was formed on one of those singing shows. Stella told me how the girl named Arden sang a solo, a guy named River sang a duet with a girl named Riley, and how Carter and Sophie sang a duet. Then the Riley girl for some reason wasn't there for the third episode and so the judges made the four sing together as a band.

Their music was pretty good, better than Danny Wildner's to say the least. And after they played three of their songs, they left and the lights dimmed. I heard high pitched screams beginning one by one, and soon a shadow of the boy everyone, but me was waiting for, came up.

The whole place was pitch dark with the exception of exit signs. And one by one, lights from each part of the stage began to turn on.

The high pitch screaming began to really annoy me, especially the ones coming from Stella. Gosh.

When all the lights came on there was a curtain and a shadow of Danny. The curtains opened and he didn't move an inch.

When the curtains finally closed on both sides, he turned around and in his black jeans and white v-neck t-shirt he walked slowly towards the middle of the stage as music began to play in the background.

Towards the left portion of the stage was a drummer along with a person playing the guitar and bass.

"I've been thinking and thinking

Trying to determine these feelings

I spend hours on end

Thinking about you and how you think you have split ends." Danny began to sing.

"He's singing 'You Are My World'!" Stella yelled from next to me as she shook my shoulders.

"Okay, okay." I said and pushed her a bit.

From my left side, someone nudge me with their elbow. Brandon handed me a pair of ear plugs and smiled mouthing a thank you.

Mouthing a thank you, I took the ear plugs from his hands and smiled. Brandon nodded at me in acknowledgement.

"I know you think you have flaws

But who doesn't

I'll always end up looking at you in awe." Danny's voice sang but was partially muffled as I put one ear plug in my ear.

"Because you are the one, you are the one

The one that I've been dreaming of-" Danny's voice belted out but became muffled enough so I couldn't hear his voice.

Turning to my left, I noticed that Stella was standing as close as she could and Brandon had wrapped his arms around her. She turned around and kissed him on the cheek and he smiled at her mouthing some words, I couldn't hear.

"Lovebirds, huh?" Rebecca said nudging me from my right side with her arms crossed over her chest as she raised an eyebrow.


"Where's loverboy at?" Rebecca asked.

Looking around, I noticed an empty space to my left. "Huh, I have no idea." I said.

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