Chapter 25 Bringley's Diner & Fashion Designer

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Thanks to everyone who added this story to their reading lists:
ohmyjoselyn, VampsBYE5sos, AudenLovesTheo, AliseInWonderland, Morte_, The_Rabid_Cupcake, tropical-tomlinson, Shaeromist, kath4short, gravel-, PasSio, oyaovanessa, gabbyber, wonderstruck_melody, AureaVictoriaAidonus, _itsmelinda_, miniatureelover, MiaBrightman

First off your usernames are really cool. And well I chose to give the dedication to _itsmelinda_ because earlier in the publishing of the story she spammed me with votes and I just wanted to thank her for that (:

Chapter 25

Bringley's Diner & Fashion Designer

Opening up my eyes, I rubbed them a bit and adjusted to the light which, to my suprise, was really dark.

"What time is it?" I asked.

Looking up I saw Jared's face. What? Wait, I thought I was sitting up - I must have fallen asleep on Jared's lap. Now this is awkward.

"Um, um-" Jared tried to say.

"Eight thirty-nine!" Brandon yelled.

"Thanks." I replied and quickly sat up.

"I was trying to sleep." Stella whined as she woke up too.

"Well too bad." Brandon said.

"You suck." Stella said and maturely stuck her tongue out at her.

After about fifteen minutes or so, the radio being the only noise in the car, I was about to fall asleep when Stella whined something about being hungry.

"Can't you wait til we get to LA?" Brandon asked, glancing over to her then back to the road.

"But I'm hungry.." Stella whined.

"Can't you wait-" Brandon began.

"Just pull over to the diner down the road, I'm hungry too." I said.

Brandon sighed and Stella shrieked as she thanked me. As Brandon continued to drive down the road, he pulled over to the parking lot and began to search for a parking spot. Why he did this? I had no clue because there were about fifteen empty spaces and only two were occupied at the moment.

"Just pick a space." Stella said.

"Fine." Brandon muttered and parked in a spot right in front of the small diner.

Shaking Jared's arm just a bit, Jared continued to snore. Rolling my eyes I slapped his arm.

"Huh? What? Danny Wildner!?" Jared yelled and his eyes opened.

"Get up, we're going to eat." I said and stepped out of the car, slamming the door.

Jared got out and we walked over to Brandon and Stella, who were standing inside waiting to be sat.

We were then sat near a window in a booth, Brandon and Jared claimed the two window seat, Stella and I sat next to them.

A scrawny guy with pale skin and midnight black hair, with lots of acne on his face walked over to us. Pushing his glasses up his nose, he smiled clicking his pen and holding a notepad in hand.

"Hi, my name is Erin and I'll be your server. Can I start you off with some drinks?" Erin asked.

"I'll have a water." I said and he handed me a menu.

"And you sir?" Erin asked after writing something down and looking over to Brandon who was seated diagonal from me.

"Water," Brandon replied and thanked him as he was also handed a menu.

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