Chapter 12 Midnight Swim & Just Look at Him

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Dedication to IIAMERICAN_DREAMII for being the first person to comment! <3

Chapter 12
Midnight Swim & Just Look at Him

After the party died down at around eleven suprisingly early for a high school party, I know. Well, most people left and only a couple of our close friends were still here.

The people still here were Stella, Jared, Brandon, Max, Tom, Jessica, Carly, and unfortunately, Amy. Amy had gotten a ride from Carly so she couldn't leave, but we all knew she wanted to continue latching herself onto Jared's arm. Can you spell desperate?

Anyways we were all cleaning up around the house, except for Carly and Amy's lazy asses. I was cleaning up, and I'm pretty lazy myself. Carly was latching herself to Max's arm, I think they were together but I still didn't understand why Max would date someone as stuck up as her. Not jealous or anything, I mean, I hardly know Max. It's just I hate it when girls just throw themselves at guys, doesn't help the girl stereotype.

After we cleaned up for a bit Carly and Amy left. We had to pry Amy off of Jared, well Tom did, at least. But they were gone, thank god.

Jessica was nice, I didn't know her that well because she was a senior but she was pretty outgoing and could definitely dance. Jessica was more on the shy side and had long black hair that was usually covered in her huge headphones and she was fairly short but skinny at the same time. All and all, Jessica's playlist consisted of some pretty good tracks.

"Hey Stel, I'm gonna go upstairs and clean up there." I called over my shoulder.

She yelled back an okay and I went upstairs. I grabbed a trash bag and filled it with paper plates, cups, and such. I heard some footsteps and they got louder, I turned around to see Tom and Max.

"Why did you even let her?" Tom asked Max.

"It was a bet by Spencer to let her latch onto me for the party. Since he couldn't come, remember?" Max replied.

Max went into the kitchen to grab trash bags and Tom walked over to me.

"Hey Tom," I said.

"Can I tell you something about Jared?" Tom pleaded.

"Like I care.." I said, resuming to pick up trash.

"It's who he likes.."

"Fine." I said, giving in.

"He likes...Reese's Peanut Butter Cups." Tom whispered.

"Great." I said, looking at him weird.

"Just kidding, he likes you." Tom chuckled, punching my arm.

"Sure." I replied.

I got these comments by people all the time. It was weird. But I usually brushed them off. Didn't mean they were true, he was, well Jared. It was different.

"Found them!" Max said as he tossed a garbage bag at Tom.

We resumed cleaning and finished up about an hour later. Tom, Max, and Jessica left.

"Well, the pool's clean, Haley." Stella said as Brandon and her came upstairs.

"Yay!" I cheered and went to get changed.

As I walked down the hallway, Jared asked why I cared about the pool being clean. Stella shrugged, telling him to ask me.

After changing, I grabbed my bag and threw it into the guest room. Then I put on my cover up and walked down the hall.

"Night guys!" Brandon said as he went into Stella's room and shut the door.

They aren't sleeping together, by the way he sleeps on the inflated bed on the floor and Stella sleeps on her own bed.

Grabbing my phone, I walked downstairs and into the backyard.

The moon was full and it was shining on the water in the pool perfectly. Taking a couple of pictures, to later post on eQuipps, I smiled and set my phone on a towel. I took off my cover up and got into the pool. It was nice, being here alone.

"Midnight swim?" someone asked, leaning against the door frame.

I rolled my eyes. "I like to swim at night when the moon is full."

"So you're like a werewolf that swims?" Jared asked, walking into my view.

"Yeah definitely that." I rolled my eyes.

"Ah! Sarcasm! Yes! Oh yeah! Whoo!" Jared said and jumped into the water.

"Wow, just to top of the day, I owe you a favor...great." I said.

"Come on, it won't be that bad." Jared said.

"What's the favor?" I sighed.

"Like I said, don't know yet. But it'll be fun." He winked, and began to float casually.

"Fun.." I said.

"Oh keep calm, you get to be sarcastic all you want now." Jared pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah." I waved off.

After silence and mindlessly floating around, I decided to sit on the edge of the pool and let my feet stay in the water.

In all honesty, I'd never been into six-packs or guys who showed off their body like a trophy. It made their ego's more oversized than Stella's lazy day sweatshirts.

Jared saw me sitting by the edge and then hopped up to sit next to me.

After a period of silence, I finally got the nerve to ask Jared, "Why did you kiss me?"

"I-I, I don't know."

"Why?" I asked, leaning against the side of the pool.

"Okay. Don't hate me. But, I thought I liked you.. So I wanted to make sure I didn't, no offense. And then I saw Tara, who's like stalking me, so I kissed you." Jared explained running a hand through his wet hair, as he neared the other side of the pool looking at his feet while doing so.

It was a lot to take in. How would someone act in this situation? I have no idea. Okay, let's figure this out.

Jared thought he liked me. Tara and obviously Amy, like him. And he kissed me to see if he liked me?

Did he like me? That's the only thing I needed to know.

"Haley? Can you say something?" Jared asked. And the loud annoying Jared was gone at the moment, leaving me with the quiet and somewhat quiet Jared I met in middle school.

"Uhm, did you find out?" I asked quietly. I guess the sarcastic Haley left too.

"Find out..?"

"If-If you liked me." I said quietly, playing with my fingers.

Jeez, why can't I just look at him.

Why was I stuttering? It was just Jared. Jared annoying, Jared. Jared Hair Obsessive, Jared. Jared the one I hate, Jared.

"Yeah." he said quietly.

"And do you?" I looked up at him.

He remained quiet. I look so stupid now. I'm so smart today, losing the bet and then asking Jared stupid questions. Obviously he didn't.

"I'll take that as a no.." I said and looked at the sky.

"I-I'm gonna go inside now.." I muttered as I began to stand up.

After a moment of silence, I was about to finalky stand up when he grabbed my arm and like in every perfect moment in the movies, he kissed me.

And this time I kissed back.

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