Chapter 6 Lay off the Cotton Candy & Everything's Going Dandy

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Chapter 6

Lay off the Cotton Candy & Everything's Going Dandy

Guess what today is?

Yes ladies and gentlemen, it's the fourteenth of February. Unfortunately that means couples all around the world are wasting money on chocolates, flowers, and cards to show how much they love each other. Great.

Eh, but the perks of being single means that Valentine's day chocolates are on sale the day after!

"Haley! Get down here!" Stella yelled from downstairs.

I'm still in bed. Yeah, I am so not going to spend a two hour long car ride with Jared.

"Hales!" Stella yelled as I heard the click clack noise of her heels on my wooden floor.

The door opened, revealing an excited Stella in a fancy laced white crop top revealing a bit of her skin paired with pink shorts, a pair of white flats, and a blue jean jacket. It was cute and all, but way too girly for my liking.

"What are you doing in bed still? We have a two hour car ride to start!" Stella said excitedly.

"I feel kinda," I fake coughed. "sick. I don't think I should go today."

"Get your lying butt downstairs in fifteen minutes or you're going to be stuck with Jared driving." Stella said trying to be threatening.

"He doesn't have his license!" I yelled covering my head in blankets.

"He has his permit." she said before walking out of my bedroom.

"Ugh fine." I yelled.

"And wear this!" she chucked a bag at me.

Don't you hate it when your best friend knows your size, and picks your outfit. I know I do.

Yet, here I am, in a white sweater with a big red heart on the front. With dark denim shorts. Now that doesn't sound that bad, until you add wedges. I don't know why I needed to wear these anyways. I mean I liked my height. I was a pretty average height and didn't like my feet getting hurt.

Walking around to find my purse and things I needed to put inside I tripped. Wedges are totally safe, now aren't they.

Taking them off I looked through my closet. Grabbing my worn out red converse I put those on and stuffed my phone, wallet, and other necessities. Grabbing the wedges I ran downstairs and to Brandon's car. Opening the back door I put the wedges down and buckled my seatbelt. Brandon started the car and we were off.

"Hey, here are your wedges-" I said looking next to me, only to see Jared.

"Thank you?" Jared said taking the wedges and handing them to Stella.

"Haley!" Stella whined.

"What?" I replied.

"Hand them over!" Stella said turning around to look at me.

"Hand what over?" I asked.

"Shoes, now." She said.


"Now, come on!" She said.

"Fine, but if I," I said while taking off my left shoe. "trip and die, it's your fault." I said as I took my right shoe off and handed them both to her.

"Thank you, now put these on." Stella said handing the wedges back to me.

"Fine." I said putting them on.

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