Chapter 3 Detention Glares & Pissed off Stares

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Chapter 3
Detention, Glares & Pissed off Stares

They say that silence is a virtue, and the rest of that quote I don't remember. But seriously who even created that quote? What does virtue even mean?

Anyways I'm in detention with Jared. Oh joy.

So pretty much for the past twenty minutes i have been mindless doodling on this piece of paper and every couple of minutes or so I lift my head up and give Jared a pissed off glare.

I glared at him again, and he just had a blank expression. Then I realized, he was watching me. What the hell? Stalker mode or something?

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

"Ouch! What the freaking hell?" I yelled in the loudest whisper possible, as I was flicked by a paper. I looked over to Jared as he mouthed the words 'Read the notes'.

I rolled my eyes and put my head down again.

And another paper. And another. Another. Another. And guess what? Another paper!

Shoving all of the tiny papers onto the floor I put my head back down.

"Excuse me but I have to use the ladies' room." Mrs. Windthrop, the frail old librarian, who had to monitor detention said as she left the room slowly.

The door slammed shut and I jumped a bit.

Standing up, I stretched a bit and sat back down putting my legs on the desk, closing my eyes I tried to go to sleep.

But I couldn't, at least not with Jared repetively poking me. Pushing him away from me a bit more forceful than intended, he groaned as he hit the floor.

"Jeez, I was just poking you," Jared mumbled.

I ignored him and closed my eyes.

"Come on, don't you wanna have a little fun while Mrs. Windthrop isn't here?" Jared said.

Your idea of fun is not my idea of fun.

"Come on,"

Shut up.



"I'm sorry, Little Miss Sarcastic?"

"Nothing. Fine be that way." Jared said while pouting.

Thank you for finally giving up.

I watched the clock, come on, come on. Jeez, time is so slow when you watch a clock.

Four fifteen! Thank god! I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder, flicking one paper off of it. Mrs. Windthrop never came back. But we all know that everytime she leaves the frail old lady gets locked in the bathroom or falls asleep...I don't know.

I searched the top and the drawers of the desk Mrs. Windthrop was sitting at and got my phone. There was a note on it and it said something about after detention I get it back.

Turning it on I walked out of the classroom and down the stairs. And then my phone had a spazz attack. No joke it kept vibrating non-stop.

When my phone finally stopped vibrating I unlocked it and saw a bunch of text messages and three missed calls. hit.. All the texts and calls were from Stella. As I scrolled down to read the text messages.


Where are you?


Can you help me make dinner?



It's food related!












As I walked down the stairs I turned the corner and made my way down the hallway. Spinning my locker combo I unlocked it and set my backpack on the floor and shoved my phone into my back pocket. I put my jacket on and shut my locker door. Grabbing my backpack I walked down the stairs.

Texting Stella, I told her that I was on my way and continued to walk over to her house.

"Hey," I greeted as the door opened revealing a freaking out Stella.

"Oh my gosh, thank god you're here!" she said running back to the kitchen.

I tossed my backpack by the coffee table and ran over to the kitchen.

"What is that smell?" I said running in as my nose was greeted by the smell of something burnt.

"Ummm, it was supposed to be meatloaf but I don't know what happened!" Stella yelled opening the oven and using a hot pad to take it out and placing it not-so carefully on the counter.

I turned the vent off coughing my lungs out in the process and slowly the smoke started going away.

"How come you didn't have Brandon help you?" I asked before coughing a couple more times.

"He's on his way over," she coughed. Brandon is in like every one of our school's clubs, committees and groups so he's always busy afterschool.

"Well, now you have a pile of black mush to serve for dinner," I said looking at the pan with midnight black burnt mush inside.

"Maybe that's what they serve at school for lunch! Oh my gosh secret recipe found!" Stella said as walked inside of the pantry.

Yes, a pantry. Her family is full of doctors. I have no idea, but it's something that makes a lot of money.

"What can we make with this shi-"

Ding Dong.

"That's probably Brandon right now!" Stella squealed as she ran over to the door.

I heard the faint noise of her greetings and heard some footsteps going into the living room. Sure, leave me to do all of the work.

Grabbing a stool I set it near a shelf by the pantry. Standing on it I looked through the variety of ingredients.

After I gathered making some pasta with a few mushrooms and spinach, might I add by myself. As I walked into the living room I didn't see anyone there.


No answer.



I walked up the stairs to her room. As I was about to open the door, someone grabbed my arm.

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