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A/N: I cannot believe how many of you are still with me and reading this story. I know that it's really long and there are times when it's really slow but i'm enjoying writing it and i have so many idea's that I have a hard time cutting out what I can and can't write about - so thank you. Anyway, I love you all and am so grateful that you are staying with me. I hope that you all enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter 37

Taylor POV
As soon as we left the plane when it had landed we headed straight to the hotel, I needed to change and freshen up after a long flight before I would be ready to go out and shoot a music video all day like I was going to have to. We had to get all the filming for this new music video done in the next two days and considering how much I wanted in the video and what storyline I really wanted to tell for this music video – I really needed to get filming soon. The next couple of days were probably going to be very boring for Mary but I’d planned to take her to a Fashion Show at the end of it all just before we leave to go to London and so I hoped that would make up for everything.
“Taylor, where exactly are you filming the video? Paris is a really big city!” Mary asked as we climbed out the car and walked through the hotel lobby to find out where our room was. 
“The story is set all over the place so we’ll be going to lots of different locations whilst were here. There really isn’t one distinct place which we are shooting” I explain hoping that she understood even though I wasn’t really sure where we were going either.

“So we’ll be exploring Paris then?” Mary asked as we got shown to our room on the 8th floor as we were in room 813 – I found that a coincidence considering my lucky number. 
“In some ways yes…But promise me that wherever we go that you’ll stay close to either me or one of my crew here, this is a big city and if you get lost I can’t guarantee I’ll find you again” I say looking down at Mary and I could tell that scared her a little but it was the truth – I couldn’t promise to find her if she got lost. I wished that Grant had said yet to coming and then he would be able to watch over Mary and make sure that she’s alright but he didn’t and he’s back in Nashville. Mary is 13 so I have to be able to give her some freedom as I’m not always going to be around but I did worry for her. 
“I promise” Mary hugged me before we walked into the hotel room. I couldn’t believe the view which you got for being high up, we could see all over Paris and the fact we would be exploring this city for the next couple of days is exciting.

I quickly took a shower and changed into the clothes which I would wear to the set but I was almost certain that I would have to change again when I was there. Mary had changed into her warmer coat which we’d bought before we left and she looked really cute in it too. We got into the car and Mary looked out the window admiring everything about Paris the whole way to the set, I was able to point out different things on the way like the Eiffel Tower and several statues which we saw on the way through the streets. We pulled up outside the café which I’d been recommended to for the video as a lot of the story in the video would be filmed here, I rushed away to change into my outfit for filming but knew that Mary would be safe with the crew and everyone. I hadn’t worn my outfit straight to the set because there was the risk that if someone saw me then the element of surprise in my video would be ruined for my fans and I really didn’t want that because I knew they were all so excited for the video.  When I came back out ready for filming I saw Mary sitting in the chair next to the director and someone had bought her a hot chocolate and a pastry of some sort so I knew that she would be fine for the next little while when I film.

About 2 hours later after filming at two different locations we decided that it would be the perfect time to break for lunch, I was getting a little hungry and really in need of another coffee as the jet lag was beginning to affect me a little. I walked over to where Mary was sitting on a bench with one of the photographer’s but she was more interested on what was on her phone then the lady. This was a clear sign Mary had no idea what the photographer was trying to tell her as she didn’t know any French. 
“What are you doing?” I asked as I sat down next to her and the photographer just smiled and made her excuses to leave but I didn’t understand her either as my French is pretty bad.
“Playing a game and thinking about my friends back home. Stella texted through saying that she missed me and English alone is no fun” Mary looked up at me and smiled, I could tell she was missing her friends but she wasn’t going to be away for too long and she would be able to talk to them soon.

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