Settling in

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I am glad to see that some of you are enjoying the story or atleast giving it a read. I have edited the previous chapter as i could see that things in the story line didnt make sense or atleast didnt soudn right. I'll keep this short so please let me know what you think adn if you have any advice for me. Leave me a comment, Vote or just enjoy :)

Chapter 2

Mary POV

When I arrived at this house I didn’t think that it would hold such an amazingly kind woman. I didn’t think that there would ever be a woman who was a generous and caring woman like Taylor was. She is one of the best foster parents that I’ve had and from the way she talks I don’t think that we’ll be going separate ways any time soon.  I couldn’t believe that she had actually bought me new clothes and was offering to buy me new ones as these ones were too small or that she had adjusted my room to be like a child’s room- it was all special to me. Although I didn’t know that much about what she did for a job or what her like was truly like I knew I wanted to be part of it. I didn’t want to seem rude by pressuring her with all the questions I had about what she did for a job and what her life was like as it would most likely get me told off.

“Mary, do you like music?” Taylor asked when I went down for dinner. Although I didn’t have much experience with music I did like listening to it. I nodded to her question but was curious as to where she was going with this and what she was trying to tell me.

“Is there a particular artist you like or any instrument you want to play?” She asks and I was confused by the question as I’d never learnt to play any instrument and as for artists I’d not found one who I particularly liked as I’d not been able to. Every family has a different taste in Music and your told to adapt to the family but whenever family is different how do you keep things about your but adapt to your new family at the same time?

“I don’t know any artists and I’ve never been taught music” I say but I feel a sense of loneliness or that I’m letting her down as I don’t know much about her or Music. I do have a feeling that they are intertwined somehow though.

“Would you like to come with me to a professional music studio next week and learn about what I do? Plus how about as a way to get to know each other better I teach you how to play Guitar, Piano or both?” Taylor asked and I couldn’t keep the smile off my face with the thought of learning Music. I loved to learn and I loved the fact that Taylor wanted to teach me something new and I would be able to stick with it with her and not having to worry about going to the institution

“I’m going to take that as a yes then?” Taylor smirked and I knew I had to hug her because I had no words with how happy she had made me right now.

“Do you record music?” I ask after a few minutes of silence considering that it wouldn’t be rude asking now considering she’d just invited me to her studio.

“I write, record and sell my music to millions of people round the world. In fact I’ve nearly finished my next album which is due out by the end of this year. I can hardly wait!” Taylor explained and I could tell that she really was excited about it all. I was a little daunted by the fact so many people know who she is and the threat that it would bring any time we went anywhere. But I also felt amazed at what this year was going to hold and how many new things I would be able to try in the future with Taylor. 

“Don’t worry because wherever I go you’re coming with me as we’re going to explore the world together” Taylor convinced me and I knew that she could see how daunted by the whole experience I was.

“What about school though?” I asked considering I’d never really been able to go to school for personal matters or I wasn’t there for long enough. I really wanted to try it and see what life is like at school.

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