Airport Suprise

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Chapter 25

Grant POV

Taylor is going to come home this morning as she’d texted me earlier to say that she’d organised to fly home earlier than originally planned. She was going to arrive at the airport about 10am rather than 12pm like was the original plan when we’d talked before she left. Whilst I didn’t know the exact reason she’d decided to come home earlier, I wasn’t complaining and neither was Mary as we’d get to see her sooner. I knew that Taylor would have a car taken to the airport to bring her home but Mary and I had other plans. I’d suggested to Mary when I tucked her in last night that she take the day off school and we go to surprise Taylor at the airport tomorrow when the car goes to pick her up. Of course Mary was delighted at the thought and although she didn’t really like missing school she would rather go see Taylor then go to school and have to wait till the afternoon.

I’d told Mary she would still have to get up early so that we could go and get Taylor but she didn’t complain as she knew that the sooner she was ready the sooner we would be able to go. Besides the time which I woke her up was the same time which I’d have to wake her up if she was going to school anyway.

“Mary, are you almost ready? We don’t want to be late or it might not be successful” I called upstairs before Mary walked down the stairs in a rather lovely summer dress which she’d picked out. She’d bought it when she’d been shopping with Taylor after she’d first arrived and she knew that it was Taylor’s favourite.

“Let’s go, we can’t be late” Mary slipped on her shoes and ran out to the car whilst I grabbed my keys, locked the house and followed suite. We knew that having the driver would be easier to keep our cover and it would also get us to the airport quicker as he knew the route very well. Besides it meant that we could all sit in the back of the car on the way home with Taylor which was something that Mary really wanted to happen.

Mary had been in two minds ever since Taylor had told her about her biological mom wanting to meet with her. I mean it’s something that would be really hard for anyone who’s been gone from foster family to foster family for their whole life and then out of the blue their mom wants to try and gain a relationship with them and win them back. I knew that Taylor would have been thinking a lot about it whilst she’s been away, especially during her Ronan Performance as I could tell that something was on her mind and I wasn’t even there. One thing was for sure was that Taylor and Mary would probably need time to talk it all through when Taylor’s back. I don’t mind going out and leaving them to talk as my friends from my previous job before Taylor have come to Nashville for the next couple of days and it would be the perfect opportunity to catch up.

The car pulled in through the gate of the airport and I scanned the tarmac for Taylor’s plane but I couldn’t see it. I saw a whole range of planes of all sizes but I couldn’t see Taylor’s. I mean I’ve only been on her private jet a couple of times when the whole band has been there as I usually take the commercial planes with the rest of the band and crew, though I still knew what it looked like. The fact that her plane wasn’t there worried me a little but then we could be early and she’s on schedule.

“Which one is Taylor’s?” Mary asked, I knew that Taylor had never shown Mary her plane as she didn’t need to which is why Mary didn’t know what to look for.

“She’s not here yet but I know she’ll be here soon. We’re just early from the lack traffic on the roads this morning because we left so early” I explained. I didn’t see the point of worrying for either of us as I knew everything would be alright and Taylor was on her way. Mary nods and looks back out the window just as another private plane touches down on the runway, the plane had a 13 painted onto the side of it which I knew meant that it was Taylor’s. I’d been right with the fact that we didn’t have to worry as we’d been early when I checked the time which read 10:00am clearly showing she’s on time.

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