Expecting the Worst

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Chapter 12

Grant POV

“What accident? What happened? Who’s hurt?” I rambled of questions left right and centre in a panic about who Officer Picton was calling about.

“Your wife and daughter have been in a car accident, they are on their way to Nashville General Hospital. But Sir I suggest that you get down there right away as it’s not looking good for you daughter” Officer Picton said and I knew exactly what I had to do and that was get down to the hospital.

“Thank you Officer” I say hanging up. I knew there was no chance I would stay for the webcast anymore. Claire and Lulu were hurt and I needed to get to them as fast as possible - surely Taylor would understand. I took a deep breath before turning to head back inside the house to bid my farewells. I’d taken the call outside as I knew it would be quieter than the chaos which was inside with the webcast and fans. I had made the right decision considering who had ended up being on the other end

“Are you alright Grant? You look as white as a sheet?” Andrea asked when I walked into the kitchen where she and Mary were placing biscuits on a plate for the workers to have with their drinks before the webcast. I needed to tell someone and I knew that it probably wouldn’t be possible for me to pass the message on to Taylor as to why I wasn’t staying. I knew that the best chance for that message to get passed on was to tell Andrea as she would be able to tell Taylor later in case she needed me.

“I-I just received a call from the police, Lulu and Claire have been in an accident…Lulu is badly injured” I say trying to hold everything together.

“Oh No! Do you know what happened? Are they going to be alright?” Andrea asked but I could see the pure horror on Mary’s face about Lulu being badly injured.

“I don’t know but I need to get down to the hospital. Sorry but I can’t hang around for the webcast as I need to get to the hospital. Please give Tay my apologies”

“Can I come? I want to see Lulu” Mary asked and whilst I have no idea what state of health Lulu would be in I wanted Mary to come as Lulu would want to see her.

Though because of the unknown I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea for Mary to come but I knew that she really wanted to make sure her friend is alright. I knew that Lulu and Mary were like close sisters and best friends despite the age gap. I knew that Mary wasn’t completely comfortable staying here with so many people and would feel better coming with me. I had no idea so I looked over towards Andrea for advice with what I should say.

“Mary go find Tay and ask her if she’s alright with you going. Grant will wait here for you to return I promise- he won’t leave without you” Andrea asked Mary to which she ran through the house to try and find Taylor so she could ask and be back in the quickest time possible.

“You make sure that you look after Mary alright? We don’t know what shape Lulu is going to be in but if it’s bad then don’t let Mary see. We don’t want her to have nightmares about her friend tonight” Andrea warned. I knew she was just saying what Taylor would if it was her talking to me. I have no idea what kind of injuries both Claire and Lulu had but I’ll still be extremely cautious as to what I think is too much for Mary.

Mary POV

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, Lulu is like a  little sister to me and she was one of the first people who I became friends with when I moved to live with Taylor. Please say yes I thought as I rushed through the house to find where Taylor is, I knew that she’d either be in the front room with some of her fans who had arrived or she would be in one of the other room down the hall as she was getting ready. I checked up and down the hall but she wasn’t in any of the rooms which clearly meant that she was with her fans. I walked into the living room and spotted her sitting in the white arm chair with a bunch of people sitting at her feet. Thankfully she noticed me without me actually having to say anything and all I had to do was signal her over so I could talk to her about going with Grant. As she excused herself and walked towards me I knew that the webcast thing hadn’t started yet and she was just talking to the fans so I wasn’t interrupting her at all.

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