Breakfast in Rio

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Chapter 26

Mary POV

The fact that Taylor had a really good time away is great but I’m so happy that she’s back home again. She’s always going to be going away for performances and appearances for different things which I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Though with everything that had gone on in the past couple of days with my mom wanting to meet up with me and wanting to be part of my life, I’d missed Taylor when she was away – more than I thought I would when she left. I was so glad that Taylor was so surprised with the trick which Grant and I had played on her when we came to meet her. Though she didn’t assume that we would be there as when we spoke to her last we’d made it really sound like she would see Grant at home and me when I got home from school which wasn’t the actual case.

The past couple of days with Grant had been really entertaining with the thing that we’ve learnt about each other. Whilst he’s not good at cooking, making lunch or anything that involves food, he has been fun with other things we’ve done. I mean I now know how to play a few chords on the guitar and whilst I’m not very good at the chords or changing between chords, I was just happy to know them.

I can’t believe that when Taylor goes away next time, I get to go too. I know I will have to miss school but after seeing Taylor give those amazing performances this weekend, I can’t wait to see her perform live and experience everything that Stella, Mariah, Sophia and Rosie tell me about. I know Mariah and Stella would probably be really jealous that I get to go overseas with Taylor but then again they’ve seen her live and experienced everything that her performance's bring as I haven’t. It would also be nice to go away with everyone and really experience what being part of Taylor Swift’s entourage is like and I would get to see how Grant performs alongside Taylor as I’ve not seen that.

“Where are we going when we go away?” I ask as the car pulls up outside Taylor’s apartment block otherwise known to me as home.

“I actually have a show in a couple of days down in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro to be exact” Taylor explained as we got out the car. Brazil? I thought as I tried to remember where that was as my geography teacher had explained it to me a few lessons ago when we were learning about places in the world.

“I’ve never been there, have you?” I asked hoping that Taylor would have been and would know what it’s like.

“Nope! I’ve never been either, it’s going to be a learning experience for both of us” Taylor said which made me think that Grant had been there.

“Have you been there then Grant?” I asked to which Grant just shook his head, it was going to be a trip full of new experiences for us all.

“How long are we going for?” I asked, I wanted to know everything about this trip before we’d even left. The trip sounded very exciting but daunting at the same time too. I’m not even sure if the fans will like me, I mean they’ve not seen me before so I don’t know what they’re going to think about me or how they’ll act when they see me.

“I’ve only got one show to perform at but I was thinking we could spend a bit longer there afterwards? Have a long weekend there together? Like leave Wednesday night and get back Monday morning, how does that sound?” Taylor asked and I nodded. I was excited with the thought of experiencing a new country, seeing Taylor perform and having a small holiday together with Grant and Taylor. I would miss a couple of days of school but I didn’t really mind as I could get the work whilst I was away and I could always Skype the teacher if needed. That was how it worked with school and the reality of so many students going away with their parents on business trips or different holidays.

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