Discovering Rio and Rehearsals

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I hope you are all enjoying the reading the story as much as i'm enjoying writing it, thanks for giving it over 650 reads - that's really touching. Anyway I wanted to thank you and I'll let you read the new chapter now :)

Chapter 27

Grant POV
I never thought that when we’d arrived this morning that I would be spending the morning alone. I didn’t think that Mary and Taylor would abandon me for a ‘girls morning’ which consisted of breakfast and shopping. I thought that when we’d arrived we would be spending time together like we hopefully would over the whole trip but clearly I was wrong. I understand that this was probably down to the fact that Mary wanted to have some ‘girl time’ with Taylor, though they could have at least invited me to breakfast as I’m not a fan of shopping and I wouldn’t have wanted to go anyway. What am I supposed to do now? I thought climbing out of bed about an hour after  Taylor and Mary had left, I didn’t need to be at the venue which we would perform at for at least another 2 hours and I didn’t have any plans already made so I didn’t have any idea what I should really be doing.
I can’t believe that it’s almost been 2 weeks since Taylor and I started a romantic relationship, I’m not someone who celebrates little things like a ‘2 week anniversary’ of my relationship with Taylor as we’ve known each other for so long. Although I might do a little something for our 1 month anniversary as I’m planning on buying her a little gift whilst I’m here in Rio or maybe when we get back to Nashville. I didn’t know what to get Taylor but I knew that Mary would be able to give me a few ideas on what I should get Taylor. I would have to get a moment with Mary away from Taylor later to ask her and whether she thought it was wise to get the gift from here or just wait till we get back home.

I would give the gift to Taylor when we are in Las Vegas as that was when I was planning on taking her out on a date. The couple of days which we’re in Las Vegas is around the time of our 1 month anniversary and whilst I’m not completely down with celebrating such a small thing, I want to spoil Taylor. I’ve not really spoilt her in the whole time which we’ve been together and I know it’s not very long but I want to be able to show her how much she truly means to me and how much I love her. The benefit of being able to take Taylor out to dinner when we’re in Las Vegas is that Mary won’t be there as I don’t think that Taylor is going to bring her along on that trip. Vegas isn’t a place which I can see Taylor bringing Mary as it’s not really a child friendly place. If Mary’s not there then Taylor won’t be so caught up worrying with about where Mary is and if she’s safe which is why it’s the perfect time to take Taylor out on a date and just be a couple like we are. 

G: Hope you two aren’t getting up to mischief without me xxx I texted as I finished getting ready to go out. I wanted to get out of my hotel room and explore the sights of Rio. I wanted to get out and see things here or at least get a feel for the place and it wasn’t exactly like I needed to have someone come with me where ever I go. I didn’t know what was close to the hotel or what was far but I had time to kill and now was the perfect time to go out. If I found somewhere that I wanted to go but it was too far away and I thought that Taylor and Mary would like it too then I would definitely note it down to tell them later and we could go over the next couple of days when we stay on a little longer. First thing was first though; I needed a coffee and something to eat as I’m not going to be the best ‘tourist’ if I have an empty stomach.
T: Us getting up to mischief? NEVER! Ha-ha we are just shopping and having an absolute blast whilst doing it. Hope you’re not too bored Taylor replied and I knew that she was messing with me just like I had been when I had texted her.
G: Me Bored? Never, Tourist Grant is going on an adventure I chuckled as I hit send with my own humour though I knew that Taylor would be suspicious of what I was getting up to.

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