Meeting Mom

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Chapter 32

Taylor POV

Rio was amazing, I was so glad to have been able to work but still relax for the short time which we were there. But work for me isn't really work as I got to show up and do shows for my fans who were like my friends anyway. I was also glad to come home and get everything sorted out in the next week before we have to fly off to Las Vegas for the iHeartRadio Music Festival. I wanted to get the issue with Mary's mom sorted out, Mary settled back into school and any work which she may have not taken with her finished so she was on track with the rest of the year.

I didn't know what Sandra's plans were for the next couple of days as she has many more cases than just Mary but I wanted to get everything sorted as quickly as possible. I don't want to wait around much longer if I can help it, I just want to get things processed and Mary can become my daughter as it was what I wanted more than anything. I was going to try and get everything done as quickly and as smoothly as possible.

"Tay, can I go to the mall this afternoon with Mariah?" Mary asked walking into the kitchen where I was preparing lunch for us all to have. I knew that Mary being able to go out with her friends on the weekend was important but I wasn't sure if it was wise going out this afternoon. She has school tomorrow, work she hasn't finished for that and I'd imagine that she is tired from the long trip back from Rio which got in this morning.

"How long will you be out for? Did Mariah say what you'd be doing?" I asked considering I was going to let her go but I wanted to know that she would be alright and that she wasn't going to get up to mischief. Although knowing Mariah and what she's like I know that won't be the case and the girls would be fine.

"I don't know, shopping, hanging out" Mary said and although I knew I was being nosy but I needed to make sure that I could trust her and her friends to be behaving appropriately when they were out. I knew they would but I just wanted to make sure otherwise there was no way which I would be letting her go out.

"You can go but you have to take Charles with you....he'll just be there for safety" I compromise to which Mary agreed. I knew that she was thinking more along the fact that he would be able to carry her bags instead of her having to do it herself. I also felt more comfortable knowing that there would be someone always with her and it was someone who would be able to drive her there and home again. It's not a very safe world out there for any 13 year old besides the fact that she's a foster daughter of mine.

Once Mary had gone out to the mall and Grant was out for his run, since that was what the physiotherapist had recommend that he start doing so again. I was able to call Sandra and actually get the meeting with Mary's mom organised with a time that we could all do. I dialled the number and hoped that Sandra wouldn't mind me calling even though it was the weekend and she doesn't work at the weekends.

"Hello Sandra speaking" Sandra answered

"Hey, It's Taylor" I say as I knew it was important to greet people on the phone with who you are so they instantly knew who it was that they were talking to.

"Taylor, so good to hear from you! How is everything going?" Sandra asked considering that we'd not spoken in about 2 weeks or so. She'd called me last before I got back from LA which was before we went to Rio and I'd not been able to call her back since as I was so busy.

"It's going really well, Mary and I are getting along perfectly just like you knew that we would. She's actually the reason which I'm calling; we're really keen just to get this meet up with her mom out the way so we can move towards the adoption. She just wants to meet her mom and get everything over with as it's really making her anxious, I just want to move forward to making her adoption official" I say as I hear Grant come in the front door from his run. I smile at him but as I'm on the phone he just mimes to me that he's going to take a shower which I found rather hilarious.

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